Flip into a Classroom Website Page Views: 3707
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Keywords: Flip Video, |
Subject(s): Art, Health and PE, Video, Social Skills, Technology, Autism, Geography, Early Learning, Dyslexia, Podcasting, Life Science, Special Needs, Writing, Animation, Music, Reading, Earth Science, Calculus, Information Skills, Biology, Home Economics, Business, Algebra, Photography, Social Studies, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Service Learning, Grammar, Geometry, Science, Journalism, Drama, Civics, Math, Speech and Language, Foreign Language, Chemistry, Physics, Trigonometry, History |
Grades K through 12 |
NETS-S Standard: - Creativity and Innovation
- Communication and Collaboration
- Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
- Digital Citizenship
- Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards |
School: Central Middle School, Golden, IL |
Planned By: Lorie Obert |
Original Author: Lorie Obert, Golden |
Objectives: Students will use class website in school computer lab and home computer to review concepts being taught, share classroom experiences, and communicate cumulative individual and small group projects. Parents will be view what is happening in the classroom to better understand, to help their children at home, and see exactly what we are doing.
Materials needed: flip video camera Interactive Whiteboard (helpful, but not essential)
Being able to review concepts being taught is important for student retention of information. I am able to video my teaching of lessons and include these reviews on the website for student use. I am also able to video lessons I use on my interactive whiteboard and include these on the website.For example in third grade, I begin the instruction on multiplication facts. I use songs to help memorize the individual facts. As we all know music helps us to remember information. I am able to video my students singing these songs and the CD and interactive whiteboard lesson, then place on my website. Without the video, I am only able to use this music at home. With the video, students can practice these songs and better retain them by listening and watching at home. I have a section for each subject I teach including: spelling, reading, math, science, and computer technology.
I also think it is very important to share classroom experiences with class members and families. This distrubution of important classroom experiences can help in the overall atmosphere of a classroom. We have a leadership program where we work with the essential skills students need to be successful in their school work and life in general. I am able to video instances when I see these skills being used. I have a leader of the week, where I choose one member of the class who is using those skills in the classroom. I am able to video that child to include this information on the site. Other students are able to listen and see how this particular child displays the leadership skills. This is a student testimonial that other students are able to see a good example and hopefully use in their own lives. I also video school assemblies where students are presented with Accelerated Reading prizes, Honor Roll awards, and classroom presentations. Classroom visitors, holidays, and other experience can also be videoed for student and family view.
I have also used the video as an assessment to small group and individual projects. Sometimes assessments are only seen as pencil and paper evaluations. Project base assessments often give a better analysis of understanding than other types of assessments. We did a study of adventure stories and their elements. Students were able to write their own stories. I videotaped their reading of their books and was easily able to see their understanding of the genre of adventure fiction. Each student was able to enjoy watching him or herself on the video.
Parent participation in student learning is essential for overall success. Many parents are unable to attend school functions or presentations during the school day because of enployment. Parents are able to interact with this site with their children. They can first had see what their children are doing in the classroom. As a parent myself, I would appreciate being able to see how my child spends his or her time during the day. Parents are also able to use the review videos to help with homework. I have had several parents comment on their appreciation of being able to view these experiences.
Classroom websites can be used in every level of education. With the growth use of technology everyday, students and families can assess these sites more readily. As I have explained, the flip video camera is a great partner with the interactive white board. As technology expands, video will be used more and more each day.