Art and Life: Where Do We Use Art? Page Views: 5530
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Keywords: Flip Video, |
Subject(s): Art, Health and PE, Video, Social Skills, Technology, Geography, Life Science, Special Needs, Writing, Music, Earth Science, Calculus, Biology, Home Economics, Business, Algebra, Photography, Social Studies, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Grammar, Geometry, Science, Journalism, Drama, Civics, Math, Speech and Language, Foreign Language, Chemistry, Physics, Trigonometry, History |
Grades 9 through 12 |
NETS-S Standard: - Creativity and Innovation
- Communication and Collaboration
- Research and Information Fluency
- Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
- Digital Citizenship
- Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards |
School: Ritenour High School, Saint Louis, MO |
Planned By: Kristi Ponder |
Original Author: Kristi Ponder, Saint Louis |
Lesson Plan Title: Where do we use art? Context This is a class of mixed 9-12 grade students who are taking a beginning level art course. Many students are taking the course to fulfill a graduation requirement, while some are genuinely interested in art. The class is also generally equally mixed between males and females, as well as culturally mixed between African American, Caucasian, Hispanic and other ethnicities/minorities. Concept / Topic To Teach: Art is an incorporation of everything around us. We can use influences from math, science, social studies, written language, society, culture and everything that is life. The use of art and aesthetics aid in many aspects of life and our future careers. Standards Addressed: Missouri Process Standards 1G01 Students in Missouri public schools will acquire the knowledge and skills to gather, analyze and apply information and ideas. 1G01 1 develop questions and ideas to initiate and research 1G01 2 conduct research to answer questions and evaluate information and ideas 1G01 3 design and conduct field and laboratory investigations to study nature and ideas 1G01 4 use technological tools and other resources to locate, select and organize information 1G01 5 comprehend and evaluate written, visual and oral presentations and works 1G01 9 identify, analyze and compare instructions, traditions and art forms of past and present societies 1G01 10 apply acquired information and ideas to different contexts in the school, the workplace and everyday life 1G02 1 plan and make written, oral and visual presentations for a variety of purposes and audiences1G02 4 present perceptions and ideas regarding the works of arts, humanities and social studies 1G02 5 perform or produce works in the fine and practical arts 1G02 6 apply communication techniques to the job search and to the workplace 1G02 7 use technological tools to exchange information and ideas 1G04 8 explore and prepare for educational and job opportunities Visual Arts standards: -National standard VA 3: Investigate the nature of art and discuss responses to artwork -Show me standard FA 3: Discuss aesthetics as the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature and value of art. Discuss and develop answers to questions about art, such as: What is art? Why do responses vary? Who decides what makes an artwork special, valuable or good? -GLE strand 3, 2A: With one artwork, describe artwork, analyze the use of elements and principles in the work. -GLE strand IV, 2A: Explain the connections between Visual Art and Communication Arts, Math, Science or Social Studies.
Technology standards --GLE 1A: Follow, monitor, and evaluate inquiry process: a. Identify an information need b. Access prior knowledge relevant to the needed information c. Identify additional information to meet the need d. Locate relevant sources and select information appropriate to the problem or question e. Seek feedback from others f. Exchange knowledge and ideas in appropriate formats g. Evaluate the results h. Use critical thinking skills to adapt process, as necessary, to fulfill purpose -GLE 1B: independent, cooperative, and/or collaborative work -GLE 4B: plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project General Goal(s): Student opinion ways heavily upon how serious they are willing to think about a subject. Relevance is the first step to ensure student learning. Through this project, students will be able to see the different connections that art has to everyday life, whether that is teenage or adult life. They will also be able to see the other academic disciplines in a different way that will encourage them to put forth more effort in those courses. They will use the technology as a media in order for new learning to occur. Specific Objectives: Students will be able to create a video that connects artwork and other academic disciplines. Students will be able to discuss where art uses influences that relates to other subjects that occur in high school life. Students will be able to identify and explain how careers use skills found in the fine arts. Students will be able to identify artists throughout history that have used math, science, social studies, or the written language in their artwork. Students will be able to analyze videos presented by classmates using art vocabulary and aesthetics. Required Materials: Cameras Computers and software to view, edit and create videos Computer for video projection Art history books and websites Career books and websites dese.mo.gov/divcareered/missouriconnections.htm www.careerbuilder.com Textbooksand worksheets from other academic disciplines including: Math Glencoe McGraw-Hill Algebra 2 Authors: Carter, Cuevas, Day, Casey, Holliday 2010 Glencoe McGraw-Hill Precalculus Authors: Carter, Cuevas, Day, Malloy, Bryan, Holliday, Hovseplan 2011 McGraw-Hill Trigonometry 2nd edition John W. Coburn, J.D. Herdlick 2011 Social Studies Geography Alive! Regions and People Teacher's Curriculum Institute 2006 English The St. Martin's Handbook, 6th edition. Andrea A. Lundsford. 2008 Science "Chemistry" by Myers Oldham Tocci. Publisher: Holt Rinehart Winston Copyright 2006 Chemistry Concepts and Applications by Phillips Strozak and Wistrom Copyright 2005 McGraw Hill Glencoe Glencoe Physical Science with Earth Science Glencoe Physics Serway College Physics "Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology" by Seeley, Stephens and Tate. 3rd and 4th edition.
"Biology" by Miller and Levine. Prentice Hall: 2002
Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): As the students enter the room, a clip from “Hero” will be playing. It will continue for approximately five minutes after class has begun. After it is over, students will be asked to brainstorm on how art was used in the movie. They will share with a partner, then report out to the class. A question will be handed out to each group of students on a folded piece of paper. The questions will vary, and include: What is art? Why should we learn about art? Where in your life have you seen art? The idea that these are opinions not facts will be addressed and students will work together to answer these questions. The answers will be written onto a poster and hung in the classroom. Step-By-Step Procedures: Day two: After the anticipatory set, we will explore art from other academic disciplines and artists that have used those academic disciplines in their artwork through the use of a powerpoint presentation and time for students to look through books in groups. They will be able to find examples of how society shapes a culture through the media of fine art. Students will be given a choice to either work in groups or work alone, but the same expectations are given. They are to pick their topic from the following list: Science, Math, Social Studies, Written Language, Family and Consumer Science, Health, Business, Drama, Music or any other classes they are currently taking. They will begin brainstorming on how their subject uses art, and be asked to bring in textbooks and/or worksheets from those classes for the next class period. Day three: Students will have the day to research artists and art movements that used their subject as an influence. By the end of the day, they will have at least three examples from a textbook or worksheet, four artists, and one art movement associated with their subject matter. There is an attached worksheet that will be used to guide their research. Day four: Using the same worksheet as day two, students will conduct research on careers that use art skills, and be required to have three job descriptions by the end of the class. Day five: Students will begin to create a story line for the content of their videos. The criteria include at least: three examples from a textbook or worksheet, four artists, one art movement, and three job descriptions that are associated with their subject matter. There is an attached worksheet that shows the criteria for the number of storyboard images that will need to be included. Day Six: This day will be used for students to finish story lines and possibly start filming. They will be filming in the school, and are allowed to enter other classrooms with teacher approval. Upon a teacher's approval, they can interview a teacher in their academic discipline, but are required to interview at least one person. This person could be a member of the industry, a teacher or an artist that uses their academic discipline. Days Seven-nine: These days are reserved for filming. Day ten: Editing techniques and purposes will be discussed through the aid of a teacher created tutorial on the students’ computers. They will spend the day editing and adding sound. Days eleven and twelve: Students will be presenting their project to the class. There will be a rubric that they will use to assess each other. They will write a paragraph that summarizes the main points of the project, including: How the academic discipline is used in their lives. How the academic discipline influenced a style or movement of art. How artists have used the academic discipline to influence their art. What jobs or careers use skills associated with art.
Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set): A questionnaire will be given to the students with the following questions: “what is art?”, “why is it important to learn about the arts?”, and “where am I going to use art in my life?” Students will write a one paragraph reflection on another student’s project. They will one video that they have seen and explain what they learned about how art is used in that discipline. They must specific examples of artists and careers, as well as what was new or surprising to them. The best videos will be voted on and presented to the entire school and to teachers to possibly be used in their classes. Adaptations (For Students With Learning Disabilities): These students' abilities are varied. Possible adaptations include: reduced length of writing task opportunities to record or type written portions of the assignment research assistance such as limited of sources to search through assistance from special education teachers or others to conduct research, interviews and edit videos reduced number of elements such as fewer artists/careers extended time for completion,
Extensions (For Gifted Students): Extensions include: special effects that the students can use within the video editing programs. creating their own artwork that uses their academic discipline as an influence. creating an assignment for the class that focuses on using their subject matter as the influence for the art project.
Possible Connections To Other Subjects: Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Foreign Language, Performing Arts, Technology, Practical Arts.
Assessment See attached scoring guide for presentation. See attached questionnaire.