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Flipping Out at the Peoples' Choice Ad Awards

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Keywords: Advertising, Marketing, Flip Video, Target Market
Subject(s): Drama, Business, Technology, Video
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Mansfield Jr Sr High School, Mansfield, PA
Planned By: Denise Route
Original Author: Denise Route, Mansfield
Lesson Plan

Day 1:

•Show clips in class of various commercials recorded from television. After each commercial, have students rate it based on the EVALUATION forms handed out at the beginning of class (the same form they will eventually be evaluated on by the class, faculty and other students for their Flip™ filmed commercials). They will then review why certain advertisements had higher ratings than others (Answers will vary and could include that some commercials: met the criteria, didn’t showcase the product being sold, didn’t give pricing information to allow for informed decisions, etc.)
• Divide the students into groups of no more than 4 students (individual is acceptable as well).
•Assign each group or student a Team code (examples: Teams Blue/Red/
Green/Yellow, Teams A/B/C/D, Teams 1/2/3/4, etc). Tell groups they are going to film a commercial using the Flip™ camera that will be judged by the faculty, staff and fellow students. The team winners will receive an award at the Peoples’ Choice Commercial Awards Ceremony (your choice as to award – could be a trophy, a certificate, candy, headphones - always a big hit - or anything else you deem motivational but not too costly).
•Have each team then decide what product they want to advertise (must not be an existing product name). They can “new and improve” an existing product or come up with an invention of their own.
•Once they have a product, have them complete the BACKGROUND WORKSHEET.
(Let students know that if they don’t/won’t choose a school appropriate product then you will assign them one to sell such as static electricity, dust bunnies, or lima beans).

Day Two:

•Students will break up into their respective teams. They will create their own Market Research form (can research example questionnaires online and also use marketing book to cover appropriate market research needs). Students need to generate at least 5 questions to ask their targeted audience and get form reviewed by teacher before proceeding with survey.
•Each team needs to hand out or verbally question participants using their created market research form to obtain responses from at least 5 faculty members and 5 students. Teams may also take the forms home to poll their family members. If you are technology savvy, have them use SurveyMonkey.com® or another survey site to create the form and have them poll the teachers, students and their family online. This way the data will be compiled for them automatically). Careful and thoughtful analysis of this surveyed information will be important to make sure the team gets the desired results during the evaluation of their commercial (Again, have students review the section in their marketing book that covered target market research or have them research it online for further information).

Day Three:

•Using a STORYBOARD template (such as http://office.microsoft.com/en-gb/templates/storyboard-template-TC030008990.aspxor http://theelearningcoach.com/resources/storyboard-depot/ ), have each team illustrate, document and script their commercials so during filming they already know what shots they need to obtain and the props, scripts and ideas are already gathered and ready to go.

Days Four and Five:

•Each team will receive an allotted time slot for filming (depending on number of Flip™cameras available for use). Days four and five are to be utilized for filming and editing using the many features of the Flip™ camera. Software available from FlipShare™ and/or Windows MovieMaker™ can be used to edit their creation and to include audio-effects, close-ups, etc.

Day Six:
•Showcase the commercials in class and have each team rate all other teams on the evaluation form and share results of initial class evaluation with each team for any last minute revisions they wish to make. At end of class all final commercials are due and will be revealed to faculty/staff and other classes of students for evaluation.
•Teacher will then create the online survey using the evaluation form (again, SurveyMonkey.com® or another site may be used to help tally the results) and email the survey and published movie file from FlipShare™to all faculty, staff, and students asked to take part in the evaluation/judging process. If your school does not have the ability create the survey/evaluation online then use the paper EVALUATION form at the bottom of this lesson plan.
•Teacher will compile results and prepare a presentation for the Peoples’ Choice Commercial Awards Ceremony taking place during the next class.
•Remind students to dress accordingly next class for their awards ceremony!

Day Seven:
•Peoples’ Choice Ad Awards Ceremony takes place today!!!
•Decorate the room accordingly (maybe get a red carpet runner or red felt stepping stones or red table cloth with backing to place from hallway entering your classroom, recruit paparazzi students armed with Flip™ cameras from other classes/tutorials, recruit student interviewers and camera people to film the ceremony utilizing Flip™ cameras to ascertain school newspaper pictures, yearbook pictures, video production announcement clip to be shown to the school the next day, etc.
•Show each group’s video commercials.
•Teacher stands in front of class and tears open sealed envelope that contains the winning group members.
•Read the winner(s) names and group identifier (Team Blue, etc.)
•Applause and cheers!!!
•Award the prize(s) to the winners.
•Let them thank whomever they wish to thank for this honor.
•Use the rest of the class period to hand back and discuss evaluation comments and scores received so each team can see what they did really well and where they might have improved their filmed advertisement/commercials for even better results.

Information on Product Background Information Form includes:

Team Name: ______________________________________________________________

Students Name(s): _________________________________________________________________


Product Name: ___________________________________________

Product Description: ________________________________________________




Target Characteristics (complete all that apply):

• Geographic Location: __________________________________

• Age:

•  Male -  Female  Both

•  Adult  Teen  Child  All  Other____________________

• Hobbies/Interests: ______________________________________

• Other Characteristics: ___________________________________



Pricing: Based on research of competing products and scenarios (justified with as much research as you can locate – 2 listed sources minimum), fill in the following cost and pricing information for your product.

Remember from previous lessons:
Material Costs = Cost of raw materials needed to make your product
Production Costs = Cost of human labor needed to make product along with facility and all other expenses except materials needed to make your product.
Profit = Retail Price charged to customer minus sum of Material Cost and Production Cost Per Unit.

(insert SmartArt diagram here asking students to complete material cost per product produced, production cost per product produced, profit, manufacturer price, wholesale price and retail price for their product)

Is the above Retail Price competitive with other similar products?
If not, rework pricing above.

Sources of information (websites) located and used for pricing section of background form:


As a re-teach or enrichment activity, you may want to have students go back and implement the discussed improvements to create an even better version of their original commercial employing what they learned from this project and from the feedback given. Show the resulting videos and compare the two projects for each team discussing how/why/in what way the second video was probably improved in the eyes of potential consumers.

Materials: Flip Video