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One L.E.S.S. (Partners in Education Campaign Initiative)

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Keywords: engaged learning, Flip Video, Partners In Education campaign, community involvement
Subject(s): Service Learning, Spelling, English/Language Arts, Photography, Business, Information Skills, Reading, Animation, Writing, Technology, Video, Grammar, Drama, Civics
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Cedar Grove High School, Ellenwood, GA
Planned By: Annette FORD
Original Author: Annette FORD, Ellenwood
There is major concern for today’s youth in coping with the stresses of life and not becoming a juvenile delinquent. According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), community involvement (with caring adults) significantly lowers the likelihood of a youth becoming a first-time or repeat offender. One important strategy to involve the community is through Partners in Education. Without education and practical skills, what chance do these students have to become productive members of society? Business and industry surveys indicate that economic survival in the 21st century will demand that students know and understand both fundamental and technical concepts of business as well as possess the ability to execute these concepts in nearly any setting. The experiences of this project will actively engage students using instructional strategies that rely on the use of technology and content standards that reflect current and emerging business procedures. Through this social marketing campaign - One L.E.S.S., the students will assume the role of a business professional using different types of marketing media. The students’ initiative will increase collaborations between community leaders, the school, and youth. By investing time, talents, and resources, the Partners In Education help meet the challenges facing young people and toward the betterment of the entire community. The concept is simple - One Leader Engaged in Student Success (L.E.S.S.) equals one less youth involved in juvenile delinquency and other destructive decision making .

Time Frame: 20-25 hours (Time will vary because tasks will be divided into different time frames)

Standards Addressed:
All standards addressed in this project include but not limited to Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) in the content areas of Business Essentials, Legal Environment of Business, Marketing Principles and English/Language Art; National Business Education Association (NBEA) Standards; and ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S). Please see pages 5-8 for listing of these standards.

Enduring Understandings:
1. Language can persuade others to take action.
2. Success in achieving team goals require the ability to interact effectively with diverse groups of people.
3. Effective communication requires both verbal and non-verbal behavior.
4. Knowledge of technology tools enables one to use technology effectively.
5. Technology can facilitate learning when it enables students to explore ideas, solve problems, and develop meaning.

Essential Questions:
1. What would persuade business partners to support a school's program?
2a. What are the challenges and benefits of working in teams?
b. What are some strategies in managing conflict within a team?
3a. What must I understand about my audience to communicate effectively (oral and written)
b. How do non-verbal behaviors such as attire, eye contact and gestures affect communication?
4. What are the best tools to use to complete a specific task and increase productivity (word processing, desktop publishing, presentation software, video creating/editing software, etc.)
5a. How will the end products impact my audience: Entertain, Inform, Teach, and Persuade?
b. What research strategies do I use to find information? Is the information reliable?

Higher-Order Thinking Skills:
As the students are working to complete the project they will be engaged in all six levels of the Bloom’s Taxonomy. During the letter writing and research phases of creating the marketing packet, the students will operate in the knowledge, comprehension, analysis and synthesis stages. The students will be operating in all six stages during the creation of the video as they select information to include in the script and create the visual response.

The “hook” or Introduction:
The students will be engaged through storytelling. The teacher will read the story - The Little Steam Engine. This story offers a portrait of self-resolve as the Little Steam Engine seeks the help of others. It reminds us that we get through the hardest times and tasks by pushing and pulling together. With the help of caring and concerned adults, it is possible to turn at-risk teens around before they become another statistic.

The students will create a marketing campaign for the Career & Technical Education Department project:

The project includes collaborations with Marketing students from a nearby college or corporation; the school’s student body and faculty, Counseling Department and the Media Specialist. The teacher will be the facilitator.

1. The students will work in a group of 3 or 4. The Marketing students will teach marketing concepts to aid the students in developing and delivering the overall message of the campaign.

2. The group will develop a list of businesses that they will want to solicit for possible partnership. The students are to draw from their own experiences as a consumer of the business, relationship with the owner, researched information about the business, etc.

3. Once the list is compiled, they will compose a letter to send to these businesses to determine their interest in partnering with the project. Note: If they do not hear back from the business in a reasonable amount of time (1 or 2 weeks), they will then need to make a phone call to that business to follow up on the request.

4. The students will create a brochure about the school, its programs and services and the students. The students are to determine the appropriate software to use to accomplish the task (i.e., Microsoft Publisher, Adobe PageMaker). The students may need to take pictures of the school building, students engaged in learning, etc. This part of the project will be in collaboration with the Counseling Department. The students will also conduct research about youth and healthy relationships using data from the Search Institute, Office of Juvenile Justice, Annie E. Casey Foundation etc.

5. Students write, perform, produce, and present a digital movie based on the campaign's theme: One LESS. The students will use a FLIP video camera to create a presentation showing prospective partners exactly what the project is all about and an overview of the academic and extra-curricular offerings at the school. The presentation should be at least 2.5 minutes but not more than 3 minutes with students repeating the campaign phrase - One L.E.S.S. The presentation could be presented individually or in a group setting.
Note: The students are to be creative in demonstrating through sign language, different
cultural languages and other ways the phrase - “One L.E.S.S.” This part of the project will be critical to the campaign initiative.

6. The group will also design a webpage on the school’s website for those businesses that decide to partner with the school as a form of advertisement for that business. The part of the project will be in collaboration with the school’s Media Specialist. Note: The Media Specialist is the administrator of the school’s website.

7. The students will also write newspaper articles and contact local radio stations to make sure the public is aware of what the youth are doing as positive change agents and that these businesses receive proper recognition.

8. Invite all of the Partners In Education and community volunteers to an upcoming Open House or event with parents and some good food. Note: Timing of the project is the key to accomplishing this task.

Ethical Considerations:
Throughout the project, the students will be respected and protected. Consent will be established with parents and/or guardians of students if testimonials are used in the brochure and/or video. Parents and students will be informed that there is no monetary compensation for their time, nor will any profit be made. Consent forms will be distributed and signed from all appropriate persons to include but not limited to administration, students, and parents before the project takes place. This engaged learning project will be for educational purposes only.

The following end-products will be produced by the students: Partners In Education campaign brochure, webpage, newspaper article and One L.E.S.S. campaign CD. . Technology will be integrated into this project through the use of FLIP video cameras, software applications, online information retrieval, creation and editing of video, etc.

Best Use of Technology:
Technology is used as a tool for the design of the end-products - their effectiveness as communication tools, value to prospective Partners, and innovative approach. Technology allows the students to transform the print-based communication experience into a digital medium.


Performance Indicators Yes / No /Comments

Provided List of perspective partners:
• Name
• Address
• Phone number

Composed Letter to send to perspective sponsors:
• Used appropriate format
• Supplied purpose of the letter
• How they should get in contact with you and by what date
• Produced an error-free document

Created Presentation—Slides
• Applied consistent theme to presentation
• Varied slide layouts
• Applied appropriate backgrounds
• Created slides that can be read from a distance
(Rule of thumb: 24 points is the smallest font for slides)
• Inserted appropriate sounds that can be heard
• Integrated appropriate graphics
• Created error-free slides

Delivered Presentation—Delivery
• Delivered presentation in 5-10 minutes
• Used slides as emphasis of points, not as speech notes
• Made eye-contact with audience
• Delivered without grammar errors
• Demonstrated poise in delivery

Created Newspaper Articles
• Used appropriate format
• Supplied purpose of article
• Produced an error-free document

Completed project within designated time frame

Supporting Materials:
Bennett, William, The Book of Virtues, “The Little Steam Engine”, pgs. 530-531.

“Hold On” inspirational song by Yolanda Adams

Search Institute - http://www.search-institute.org/
Search Institute is an independent nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide leadership, knowledge, and resources to promote healthy children, youth, and communities. The website is a great resource for research.

Annie E. Casey Foundation - http://www.aecf.org/
The primary mission of the Annie E. Casey Foundation is to foster public policies, human-service reforms, and community supports that more effectively meet the needs of today’s vulnerable children and families. The website has valuable research about youth and communities.

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention - http://ojjdp.ncjrs.org/
OJJDP supports states and communities in their efforts to develop and implement effective and coordinated prevention and intervention programs and to improve the juvenile justice system. The website is a great resource for research.

Standards Addressed:

Georgia Performance Standards

Business Essentials

BCS-BE-1 The student exhibits appropriate oral and written communication on personal and professional levels.
a. Demonstrates proper respect for authority and diversity using written and oral
b. Determines problem-solving strategies for resolving conflicts.

BCS-BE-3 The student practices proper oral communications that express wants, needs, and feelings.
a. Demonstrates proper telephone techniques and etiquette.
b. Organizes thoughts to reflect logical, positive, and tactful thinking before
c. Delivers well-organized presentations utilizing appropriate visual aids

BCS-BE-5 The student participates as part of a team in an effort to accomplish a common goal leading to a successful business endeavor.
a. Describes and give examples of successful teams.
b. Describes the advantages of working as a team in a specific activity.
c. Performs effectively as a team member in various environments with people of different ages, genders, cultures, socio-economic backgrounds, attitudes, and abilities.
d. Gives and follows verbal and written communication.
e. Uses appropriate behavior when interacting with employees, supervisors, and
f. Cooperatively defines team goals.
g. Shares knowledge and skills with others as a means of solving problems

BCS-BE-37 The student identifies and analyzes the relationships between marketing and the individual, business, and society.
f. Discusses the importance of a business giving back to the community.
g. Describes how the internet and other emerging technologies have impacted the components of marketing.

Marketing Principles

MKT-MP-12 Utilize promotional knowledge and skill for communicating
information to achieve a desired marketing outcome.
a. Explain the purposes of promotion.
b. Identify the types of promotion including personal selling, advertising, and public
c. Define promotional mix and promotional mix strategies.
f. Distinguish between publicity and public relations.

English/Language Arts

ELA11W1 The student produces writing that establishes an appropriate organizational
structure, sets a context and engages the reader, maintains a coherent focus
throughout, and signals a satisfying closure.

ELA11W3 The student uses research and technology to support writing

ELA11C1 The student demonstrates understanding and control of the rules of the
English language, realizing that usage involves the appropriate application of
conventions and grammar in both written and spoken formats.

ELA11LSV1 The student participates in student-to-teacher, student-to-student, and
group verbal interactions.

ELA11LSV2 The student formulates reasoned judgments about written and oral
communication in various media genres. The student delivers focused, coherent, and
polished presentations that convey a clear and distinct perspective, demonstrates solid
reasoning, and combine traditional rhetorical strategies of narration, exposition,
persuasion, and description.

National Business Education Association (NBEA) Standards

Communication I: Foundations of Communication
Communicate in a clear, courteous, concise, and correct manner on personal and professional levels
B. Informational Reading
Level 1
• Read textbooks and online sources for information
• Apply reading skills to gather information from casual print and electronic media
• Read and follow simple directions
Level 2
• Demonstrate basic research techniques to find print and electronic information
Level 3
• Research information using the Internet and select appropriate materials for reports and presentations
C. Written Communication
Level 1
• Write logical, coherent phrases, sentences, and paragraphs incorporating correct spelling,
grammar and punctuation
Level 2
• Document properly both print and electronic sources to avoid plagiarism
• Write coherent business messages, instructions, descriptions, summaries, and reports using appropriate formats
• Proofread documents to ensure correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation
Level 3
• Proofread business documents to ensure that they are clear, correct, concise, complete, consistent, and courteous

Communication II: Social Communication
Apply basic social communication skills in personal and professional situations
A. Positive Self-Concept and Image
Level 1
• Use courtesy and tact when dealing with others
• Differentiate between positive and negative role models
Level 2
• Demonstrate respect for differences of others
• Demonstrate confidence through participation in group activities
• Human Relations and Interpersonal Skills
Level 3
• Respect the rights and feelings of others
• Work cooperatively with peers and authority figures

Communication III: Technological Communication
Use technology to enhance the effectiveness of communication
Level 1
• Use basic software applications (e.g., word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and graphics)
• Use CD-ROMs, Videos, and the Internet for knowledge acquisition

Level 2
• Use basic functions of databases, spreadsheets, and programming languages to format documents
• Refine documents using electronic spell check, thesaurus, and grammar check tools
• Use online databases and search engines to find basic business information
Level 3
• Enhance documents through the use of advanced layout, design, and graphics production software and scanning hardware

Information Technology V: Application Software
Identify, evaluate, select, install, use, upgrade, and customize application software; diagnose and solve problems resulting from an application software’s installation and use.
Level 1
• Use a variety of application software appropriate to specific tasks (e.g., use a Web browser to find information)
Level 2
• Select and apply the appropriate application software to common tasks (e.g., design a simple Web page)

Information Technology VII: Information Retrieval
Gather, evaluate, use, and cite information from information technology sources
Level 1
• Use a wide variety of information technology resources to retrieve information
• Find, classify, and order retrieved information
• Use search procedures appropriate to type of information, nature of source, and nature of query
Level 2
• Analyze, access, exchange, organize, and synthesize information
Level 3
• Analyze the effectiveness of online information resources to support collaborative tasks, research, publications, communications, and increased productivity

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S)

1. Creativity and Innovation
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Students:
a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
c. use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.

2. Communication and Collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students:
a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.
b. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.
c. develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures.
d. contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.

3. Research and Information Fluency
Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students:
a. plan strategies to guide inquiry.
b. locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.
c. evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.
d. process data and report results.

4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Students:
a. identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation.
b. plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.
c. collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.
d. use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.

5. Digital Citizenship
Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Students:
a. advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.
b. exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity.
c. demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning.
d. exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.

6. Technology Operations and Concepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. Students:
a. understand and use technology systems.
b. select and use applications effectively and productively.
c. troubleshoot systems and applications.
d. transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies.

Most of the items have already been obtained. We desperately need FLIP video cameras to meet our time frame and goals. Currently, we have only one FLIP video camera that belongs to the teacher. There are 20 students working on the project.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This lesson can be in collaboration with any curriculum. All academic areas of the school will be featured in the video.
Students should respond immediately by correspondence to all prospective businesses willing to partner with the school. Prepare accordingly with time management skills.
Links: Link to Cedar Grove High School
Link to Teacher's webpage
Link to Teacher Tube
Materials: Web Page, Keyboarding, Word Processor, Office Suite, Flash/USB Drives, CDs and DVDs, Printers, Video Tools, Flip Video, Mobile Labs, Whiteboards, Assessment
Other Items: 10 Presentation paper, $12.99 each, total of $129.90
20 Student designed t-shirts (One L.E.S.S.), $10.00 each, total of $200.00
100 postage for brochure mailing to businesses, $.45 each, total of $45.00