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Antony vs. Brutus

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Keywords: Caesar, advertising, Shakespeare, speeches
Subject(s): Video, Social Skills, Technology, Writing, Reading, English/Language Arts, Grammar, Journalism, Drama, Speech and Language, History
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Christian Fellowship Academy, Jeannette, PA
Planned By: Jennifer Hendrick
Original Author: Jennifer Hendrick, Jeannette
Enduring Understandings:

Students will read and evaluate part of a text and manipulate it to create further understanding.
Students will utilize technology to display information and collaborate asynchronously and synchronously.
Students will work in small groups and present findings to their peers.

Essential Questions:

What is an advertising campaign?
Why did Marc Antony win the approval of the crowd rather than Brutus?
What is “mob mentality” and what role does it play when making a speech or selling a product?
How do visual aids, such as posters or mock advertisements, help presenters?

Introduction, Value Statement, and Motivation

The teacher should play a popular commercial and discuss how much research and money is spent on any advertising campaign. The teacher should discuss the different areas of an advertising campaign and the specific parts they will be completing for the assignment. Note: Provide students with a prompt.


English10—Miss Hendrick—Advertising Campaign
Directions: You and your group will create a mini advertising campaign for either Brutus or Antony and their famous speeches. We will compare and contrast the speeches as a class and the presentations.

You and your group will act as an advertising group that is going to manage a campaign for your character! You should persuade the group that your character is the “better” one and that the masses should agree with what you say and do as the character. Even if you disagree with the character, you must make the case for him.

In your group of four, you should each have a leadership role. Although all of you will be collaborating on all of the different pieces of project, one student will act as the “point” person to make sure that area of the project is done to completion.

The four leadership areas are:

1. Research/SWOT analysis Leader – Focuses on the research portion and creates the SWOT analysis of the character. This student will oversee the whole project as well.

2. Public Relations Director—Creates the public relation document that will be feature the slogan and character. You must use technology and be creative!

3. Actor -- Reads the speech in a dramatic way and recruit other members of the class to read the additional lines in the script.

4. Writer—Creates the reflection of the character. Remember to take the side of you character and answer the given questions.

Here are the four areas you and your group are responsible for:

Complete SWOT analysis through the Google Docs

Create Public Relations Piece using technology—Ideas may include but are not limited to:
Gloster Poster
Publisher Document
Video Taping and Editing a Commercial
GoAnimate Video

Read the speech (in Shakespearean literature) and explain meaning/context of speech

Write a Group Reflection in Google Doc
Paper Requirements:
Reflection should be two pages in length
Provide at least three reasons why your character should be in leadership after Caesar’s death
Make sure your response is grammatically correct, coherent, and purposeful.


Procedures and content presentation:

1. Teacher should allow structured project time. Each day, the teacher should allow students to provide her with their daily objectives for their projects.

2. The teacher should then monitor progress throughout the work days with their objectives and creations.

3. During presentations, the teacher should evaluate the presentations on the given rubric. The teacher should tape the presentations with a camera to show as an example to other groups.

This activity is very student-center and allows for a lot of creativity from the students. Although they are to use technology, students should be free to create any item that they see fit that meets the teacher's objective. Any teacher and student can take this lesson and make it their own!
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
History --Caesar and Roman Empire
Technology--Web 2.0 use and other forms of Publication software
Students can complete their own reflection on the project and/or different character after presentations to show their knowledge of both protagonists.
Materials: Whiteboards, Mobile Labs, Flip Video, Short Throw Projectors, Art Tools, Camera/Video Accessories, Computer Accessories, Office Suite, Keyboarding, Animation, Video Tools, Internet Services, Integrating Technology