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View, Review, & Replicate: Using Graphics and Humor for Vocabulary Acquisition

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Keywords: Vocabulary, video, humor, create, ELA, English, SAT, ACT, production, think/pair/share, predict, student centered, guided notes
Subject(s): Video, Social Skills, Spelling, Technology, Grammar, Writing, Drama, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Chelsea High School, Chelsea, AL
Planned By: Ami Wicks
Original Author: Ami Wicks, Chelsea
Alabama College and Career Anchor Standards
(Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas):
Standard 1: "Prepare for and participate in a range of . . . collaborations with diverse partners, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly."
Standard 2: "Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally."
Standard 5: "Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations."
(Vocabulary Acquisition and Use):
Standard 4: "Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts, and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as appropriate."
Standard 5: "Demonstrate understanding of . . . nuances in word meanings."

-internet access and computer/ device for teacher and each student
-Vocab Videos subscription
-document camera
-teacher created media presentation of target vocab words such as PowerPoint, Prezi, or other teacher's choice. (The presentation will contain slides of the target vocab words shown with an appropriate meaning-related graphic; word definitions are NOT included on the slides.)
-guided notes handouts (teacher created) which coordinates with the vocab media presentation mentioned above. The graphics will be on the handout, but the words will not.

-three to four 50 minute class periods.

1. Each student will receive the guided notes handout as he/she enters the room.
2. The teacher created vocabulary presentation will be projected in slide show format, and it will loop several times as students enter and get settled.
3. Students will preview the target vocab words by simply writing the word on the guided notes handout next to the appropriate graphic as they watch the vocab presentation. Allow the slide show to loop several times so that all students will have the opportunity to preview the words and write them on the guided notes page.
4. After students have had sufficient opportunity to write the target words on the guided notes handout, the teacher will lead the class in a THINK-PAIR-SHARE activity in which students predict what each word means based either on the students' prior knowledge or on the associated graphic shown in the slide show presentation and on the guided notes handout. Students should jot their predictions using the guided notes handout. Ample opportunity for partner and/or small group discussion should be given, followed by a class discussion on student predictions.
5. Next, the teacher will introduce the students to the Vocab Video format by showing a clip of an episode related to one of the target words. After viewing this clip as a class, the teacher will lead (through question and answer) a short discussion on the video in relation to the students' predictions. The teacher should model ways in which the prediction can be modified into an actual definition by using context clues, inferences, and word association clues. (The teacher should offer a visual of his/her modeling by using a document camera and the guided notes handout.)
6. Then, students will view the Vocab Videos on their computer or personal device. This may be done in pairs or even small groups of 3. After viewing each video, the students should follow the teacher's model and modify the predictions into a student created definition -- which they will write on the guided notes handout. The teacher should observe, monitor, assess, and offer feedback on an informal basis as the students watch the video.
7. Finally, the teacher should bring the class back together and ask for volunteers to share their student-created definitions. Clarifications should be noted when/if needed.
8. The students will turn in their guided notes to the teacher at the end of the class as an informal formative assessment. These guided notes handouts will also offer a source of teacher feedback when returned to the students in a timely manner.

**An extension of this lesson provides students the opportunity to integrate vocabulary skills through writing, performing, and digitally documenting original humorous Vocab Videos, based on the series. Student created videos could then be shared with other students and/or classes which would offer even more authentic contexts for vocabulary acquisition.
Materials: Portable, Video Tools, Literacy
Other Items: 1 Elmo Boxi Mobile Projector, $599.00 each, total of $599.00
1 Vocab Video Subscription, $90.00 each, total of $90.00