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Place Value and Decimals

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Keywords: math, technology, blended, place value, decimals, problem solving
Subject(s): Math
Grade 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Crystal Lake Elementary, Lake Mary, FL
Planned By: Stephanie Sharrer
Original Author: Stephanie Sharrer, Lake Mary
Canvas course:

1) Students are given a pre-assessment of place value and decimals, which is 10 questions and ties to standards 5.NBT.1.1, 5.NBT.1.2, 5.NBT.1.3, and 5.NBT.1.4.
2) Based on the pre-assessment, the teacher will meet with each student individually to discuss what the student understands and what the student still needs to work on in this unit.
3) Based on the pre-assessment and mini-conference, students are provided with different activities for each of the standards. Students go to the Canvas website I created and choose which standard they need to work on first. Once the standard is selected, there is a wide range of activities for students to choose from based on their learning needs and levels. Students can watch Khan academy videos, play games to practice, take mini-quizzes, or work on problem solving to practice the skills.
4) Once students have worked through the activities for a given standard, there is a challenge question for students to answer and explain their solutions on the discussion board.
5) After the activities and discussion, the students link to a 5 question formative assessment that I have created that uses a variety of question types, such as those they will see on the FSA.
6) Students continue throughout the website course until all standards have been mastered. Then students complete a unit assessment.

Problem Solving/Intervention Options:

1) Students work in small groups or partners to explore a given concept before beginning instruction. This allows students to form their own understanding of the topic and take ownership of their learning.
2) Students work independently and then with small groups to solve real-world problems relating to the math content.
3) Students work in small groups to complete a STEM challenge (building a boat within a budget) that ties into the given math standards.
4) The teacher will pull a small group to work on skills if standards have not been mastered (as assessed by the formative assessments) during the Canvas on-line course.
To implement this blended curriculum, at least half of the class needs to have access to laptops or other similar technology devices. Please see the website link to take a look at the beginning of the canvas online unit that I have designed for my students, which is the main reason devices are needed, so students have differentiated instruction at their own pace based on their own needs.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
The Canvas course has discussion postings that tie into the ELA curriculum. During problem-solving time, the STEM challenges also tie into science, technology, and engineering.
Students would continue this model to complete the full unit. Similar units would be created so that students take ownership and build their own understanding in an interactive, engaging way.
Links: Picture of Beginning of Canvas page for unit
Materials: Mobile Labs, Web Page