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Banking in the Digital World

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Keywords: Technology, Virtual Banking, money, budgeting, Enlish
Subject(s): Information Skills, Civics, Technology, Special Needs, Writing, Speech and Language, Math, English/Language Arts
Grades 3 through 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Lamar Middle School, Austin, TX
Planned By: Carol Dickson
Original Author: Carol Dickson, Austin
Population: 3rd, 4th,5th grade hearing impaired students

Learning Goals:This lesson will help my hearing impaired students understand that debit cards are connected to money in their accounts. Money is added to accounts when they are earned from working. Money is saved by making correct choices and controlling spending urges.

Introduce unit by discussing types of desired behaviors that will earn classroom money. Students will be issued a debit card and a ledger to keep track of deposits and withdrawals from a virtual bank (mykidsbank.org). Each day at the end of the day students will sit down with an adult in the classroom, count their money, and scan the QR code on their debit card to go to mykidsbank.org, on an iPad or digital device, and deposit the amount earned into their account. Students will also keep track of deposits in their paper ledgers. Students will have the opportunity to learn about savings and goals through decisions on what to buy from the school store, save for field trips, and school events. Students will have to balance their virtual accounts with their paper ledgers. Students will keep a daily Vlog of their deposits and withdrawals, their goals, and what they have learned.My students need the digital devices to be able to access the virtual bank. At the present time we do not have any digital devices to access the internet to use their virtual bank.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Crossing curriculum in Math, Language Arts, Social Economical. Technology, and Speech
Students will complete a spending and saving graph at the end of the year and produce a nonfiction documentary using their vlogs as a reference point.
Links: link to Kids bank
Materials: Whiteboards, CDs and DVDs, Hard Drives, Printers, Writing, Math, Elementary, Cause and Effect, Speech and Language
Other Items: 6 mini ipads 16GB , $300.00 each, total of $1800.00
6 infra red keyboards, $70.00 each, total of $420.00