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Beats Speaker Project

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Keywords: Calculations, Electricity, Rubric, Real Life, Hands On, Projects, PBL, Real World Applications
Subject(s): Science, Technology, Algebra, Business, Math
Grade 7
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Sailorway Middle School, Vermilion, OH
Planned By: Gabriel Caudill
Original Author: Gabriel Caudill, Vermilion
You will need an amplifier to hook the speakers the students create up to...There are many youtube videos that people create these speakers. I used crude magnets and 20 gauge thin blue coated copper wire, each student was grouped based on a pre-assessment. They each receive 5 magnets, a 6ft spool of the 20 gauge wire. They from there have to figure everything out that they've learned.


What is Voltage?
What is Resistance?
What is the Ohms of most headphones/speakers?
What is the average voltage of a headphone port?
Why do we use magnets in speakers and generators?
Why do we use coiled wires in speakers and generators?
Test the resistance (Ohms) of 3 speakers
How will you supply an electrical current to your speaker?

2. Draft your original design for your project be sure to label every component.

2A. As well as SET A GOAL for the group’s project.

3. Gather Materials----> From Teacher

a. Supplies should include: Small Bundle of Wire, Magnets, Plate, Paper and Bowl.

4. Make sure to track any alterations/modifications (even the slightest) in design.

5. Redraft design as necessary.

6. Why did you pick the design you created?

7. What was your greatest challenge in creating the speaker and did you meet your goal?

What did you use to create your speaker (list your materials)? Were you cost effective?

Using the links provided:
the Ohms and Voltage to determine the mAmps of your speaker.

I also have a rubric to follow with the information needed. I do need it to be uploaded via a file submission which isn't available.

Questions to answer during the project. The students will need a multimeter to read most of this information.

1. What is Voltage?
2. What is Resistance?
3. What is the Ohms of most headphones speakers?
4. What is the average voltage of a headphone port?
5. Why do we use magnets in speakers?
6. Why do we use coiled wires in speakers?
7. What was the calculated resistance (Ohms) of the 3 individual speakers you tested?
8. How will you supply an electrical current to your speaker?
I also have purchased items for a green screen room, and would love to incorporate this into my lessons with better quality and greater effectiveness. It also allows students to present without the fear of live presentations and allows them to present their best work.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Solar Ovens with Math Integration...Phases of the moon tracking with history
Materials: Animation, Podcasting, Middle, Cables, Tripods, Video Tools, PA Systems, Hi-Def Camcorder, Dyslexia, Speech and Language