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Learning with Cubelet Robot Blocks

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Keywords: robots, robotics, measuring, Math, Writing, Reading, Social Studies, maps, coding,
Subject(s): Speech and Language, Writing, Early Learning, Social Skills, Social Studies, Robotics, Art, Reading, Math, English/Language Arts
Grades K through 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Chandler Elementary School, Kilgore, TX
Planned By: Beckey McCormick
Original Author: Beckey McCormick, Kilgore
Social Studies
The students will use creative thinking and problem solving skills to guide their cubelet robot to travel through a map they create. The students will work in groups to create a representation of a community by drawing roads, map key, landmarks and symbols on poster paper to represent a map of their choice. They will include a compass rose to show cardinal directions and intermediate directions. They will include a scale to represent distances between places. Students can get as creative as they would like as they link the tiny robot cubes together and instruct the robot to travel through the community with cool moves and directions.

This lesson can become an integrated approach to math, reading, and writing.

In math, students will convert the scale to determine the distance from one location to the next. Students can use tape measures and rulers to help calculate the distance.

In Reading, students can choose a story, novel or literature of their choice. They will create a sequence and summarizing path by drawing and recording the plots main events in order on poster paper. The story will come alive while the students retell the story as their cubelet robot travels the path it was instructed to do.

In writing, students can keep journal entries of their coding process. They will record each cube they link together and the function it is intended to do.

This activity allows students to become innovative and problem solving thinkers. They not only become better thinkers but they are in control of their learning.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Math, Reading, Writing
In math, students will convert the scale to determine the distance from one location to the next. Students can use tape measures and rulers to help calculate the distance.

In Reading, students can choose a story, novel or literature of their choice. They will create a sequence and summarizing path by drawing and recording the plots main events in order on poster paper. The story will come alive while the students retell the story as their cubelet robot travels the path it was instructed to do.

In writing, students can keep journal entries of their coding process. They will record each cube they link together and the function it is intended to do.
Materials: Integrating Technology, Art Tools, Early Learning, Middle, Elementary, Writing, Literacy, Reading, Graphing, Autism, Dyslexia, Speech and Language, Hardware Devices