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GoPro MakerStory

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Keywords: Social Emotional Learning, SEL, Challenges, MakerSpace, GoPro
Subject(s): Social Skills, Video, Robotics, Photography, Technology, Physics
Grades 3 through 6
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Cutler Elementary School, West Swanzey, NH
Planned By: Lisa Wiley
Original Author: Lisa Wiley, West Swanzey
Our school is focusing on Social Emotional Learning, and reviewing words and actions can be a great medium to help students pay attention to everyday interactions. Video brings an entertainment value, but also an intentionality to communication. People who work with cameras, either behind or in front, experience Self-awareness, one of the keys to Social Emotional Learning. This lesson will focus attention to other SEL areas as well, Social Awareness, Decision-making, Relationship Skills and Self-management.

Goals:Students will solve a given challenge using MakerSpace tools such as Lego's, K'nex, cups, straws, and SnapCircuits. They will be reminded of the SEL tools and asked to discuss ways they can use their creation process to highlight for the video one or more of the terms.

Step 1: They will learn how to use the GoPro camera, and choose a student or more to wear the device while they work.

Step 2: They will plan their process and discuss what they want the camera to tape.

Step 3: Students will choose one of the MakerSpace Challenge Cards, get their tools and begin taping while they solve the challenge.

Step 4: Once completed, they will view their video and edit to a given time for publishing on YouTube. Students will discuss Digital Citizenship as pertains to uploading YouTube videos for public viewing.

Step 5: Students will review the class videos and discuss how SEL tools were used and relate to their processes.

Specially purchased items are not necessary for the challenges. They can be found in the classrooms or makerspace.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
The lesson inviting students to plan a scenario, video the group in action, and review the results can be implemented in many other curricular areas, especially science, music and physical education.
Students can use the GoPro to teach their learning process to other classrooms.
Links: What is Social Emotional Learning
Example of MakerSpace Challenge Cards
Materials: Hard Drives, Digital Cameras, Video Cameras, Camera/Video Accessories