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Lesson Plan Name Grades
Culminating Module Project 8 to 8
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
This project taps into the students ability to express their understanding of a novel. They have a choice of two projects from a "menu" of options, ranging in difficulty level.
Cultural Awareness in Omaha: Entering the Golden Door 6 to 8
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
The Jr. High students at Holy Name School will develop their cultural awareness through a technology project using tablet computers. The tablets will be used to record interviews with community members of a minimum of 8 different cultures and to develop an innovative presentation about their discoveries and incites based on those conversations.
Cultural Differences found in St. Patrick's Day 2 to 2
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
This lesson teaches the students about St. Patrick's Day and how it is celebrated around the world. It is a cross-curricular lesson for both Social Studies and ELAR.
Currency Act of 1764 4 to 5
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Build a company and use two forms of currency to do business with other companies. The student or group of students with the most rice at the end of the game wins.
Cyber Safety 3 to 5
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
In this lesson, students discuss the dangers, as well as, the positive side of having internet and real life friends.
Cyberbullying 6 to 8
(5.0 stars, 2 ratings)
With the layering of identity through the use of nicknames and avatars as well as a sense of anonymity, it is easy for young people to sometimes forget that real people – with real feelings – are at the heart of online conversations. In this lesson students will explore this concept and discuss the importance of good netizenship.
Cyberbullying PSA 5 to 8
(5.0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will form groups of 2 or 3 to make a 60 second Cyber-Bullying Public Service Announcement. They will contuct research, create an outline, write a script, film, edit and publish.
Designing a School Garden 6 to 6
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will use skills of geometry to design a school box garden.
Differentiated Tea Party: Important Groups in Feudal Japan 7 to 12
(5.0 stars, 2 ratings)
This lesson teaches the students the important groups that made up Feudal Japan, and the very different views that they had. The point of this lesson is to show the students the many changes that took place in Japan following Prince Shotoku's desire to open Japan's borders to other Asian influences.
Digital Portfolio K to 6
Students in kindergarten and sixth grade will document their field trips using digital photography in order to share the experiences.
Digital Rube Goldberg Lesson P-K to 12
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
This lesson requires the use of physics, critical thinking skills, creativity, and group collaboration to create a multi-step Rube Goldberg design that begins as a virtual lab and can become a physical project or competition.
Digital Science through Pod Casting 7 to 8
Middle school students will perform various science experiments that will be recorded and converted to Pod Casts. These pod casts will be utilized by elementary teacher to teach various science concepts in grades 1-6.
Digital Story Book P-K to 3
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
This lesson can be adapted to suit fictional or non fictional objectives. After introducing the concept, be it life science, safety, language arts, etc students will work together to create a digital story book.
Digital Video Interviews 6 to 12
Students will create a video interview. They will interview a business leader from our community and then a Movie Night will invite the community members, families, and students to view the final products.
Digital Video Yearbook 3 to 5
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students grades 3 through 5 will use digital photography and video to create a video yearbook. Students will be taught how to appropriately use and apply the technology within the classroom.
Don't be a Bully, Be a Star 6 to 8
(5.0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will develop a podcast featuring a bullying situation at school with two different outcomes, a negative one and a positivie one. Students will lsiten to the podcast and share their opinions about the events that occurred.
Don't Laugh At Me 3 to 5
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Third graders create a music video for the song 'Don't Laugh At Me'. They use their connections and synthesis to illustrate the points made in the book and song.
Earth Editing: Increasing Environmental Awareness with Student Created Public Service Announcements 3 to 12
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students create a Public Service Announcement video on issues concerning the environment, which will “air” on the school website and at an Earth Day Assembly. Each video will focus on a single strategy that students and community members can do to help protect our planet Earth.
eLeaders Technology (Students of the 21st Century) Program 4 to 12
(5.0 stars, 2 ratings)
With the new PILOT program of eLeaders, students are accepted that have an interest in technology, and volunteer their time, to troubleshoot technology, teach lessons to peers and teachers, and offer in-service presentations on staff Professional Development Days. Additionally, they assist with and participate in a (rotating) class of 60 students (changing every 2-4 weeks so all South Middle School population may participate) that create the SMS Video Productions (completely created by student body), our newly founded news source.
Engage in Literature Circle discussion. 7 to 8
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students discuss readings from selected texts, done the previous night, with the goal of engaging text, interacting with each other, and exhibiting ordered but collaborative work.
Enhancing Friendships Through Photography P-K to P-K
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Young learners will use digital photography to create new friendships with pen pals at another school.
Enhancing Social Skills and Vocabulary through Photography K to 5
Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders will use photography to visualize, practice and evaluate their communicative exchanges.Younger students will use pictures to build their vocabulary.
Essay Writing 9 to 12
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will write a variety of essays using Google Docs and Edmodo.com. Students will learn to collaborate and to constructively use social networks.
Essential to Autumn: Line, Shape, Color, Texture, Pattern, Rhythm, Emphasis, Movement, Balance, and Unity 3 to 5
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will observe their natural environment to experience the changes that occur when Autumn arrives. Students will create artworks based on personal observations and experiences with their environment in Autumn.
Everything American 8 to 8
Students work collaboratively to define "American Culture" by capturing images of the American way of life, and using them to create a PowerPoint display using words and images.
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