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Here is the technology that Karen Etherington has acquired through Digital Wish:
USB Document Camera (2)
Flying Carpet - New Low Pricing on Single Version!, Single User License
Flip UltraHD™ 120-minute Camcorder 2-for-1!, Flip Ultra™ 120-minute - 2 for $150
Here is the grant that I have won through Digital Wish: DW Friends - Runner-Up Prize - 01/2009
Mrs. Karen Etherington
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http://Under construction
Mayfield Intermediate School
Class Information:
Students per Class: 80
Class Description:
I teach on a three person team with a total of 80 students. I teach all of the science and reading each day for all of the students on our team. In my classes, I teach using inquiry and like keeping students active and involved. If we are not conducting an investigation, we can often be found researching or creating using a mobile lab of laptops. We review and add to our learning using a CPS system, and try to make learning as visual as possible. However, we are currently doing this with only one old Mavica digital camera. We also have access to a mobile SMART board which is shared by several teachers. The 80 students on my team represent very wide diversity. There are several special education students, including students with autism. There is a large percentage of Hispanic children, and many on free or reduced lunch. Many of these students do not have access to computer or other technology at home. Our school system is very small, and the poor economy has greatly affected our school budget. Money for technology needs has been cut greatly for all classrooms.
Science/Reading Teacher
In our classroom, we would love to have a digital camera lab to help us learn and retain many science concepts. At the beginning of the year, we created a wall called, "Science Is..." The entire wall is made up of pictures of many of the areas of science. Also, when we work with our mobile lab, we often have difficulty storing our information. We would love to have flash drives for each student. A video camera with tripod would also be a huge wish. We often create skits, raps, stomps, etc. to help us learn and remember parts of speech, figurative language, parts of atoms, and on and on. We have often talked about being able to video record our groups of students and their creative ways to retain information.
My Philosophy:
My philosophy can be summed up in one sentence from an unknown author. "Good teachers move mountains for their students, but great teachers teach students to move mountains for themselves.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I have been working in the school system for 20 years. I began as a special education assistant, finished my degree, and move to teaching general education student. In 2000, I was nominated and voted the Outstanding Technologist in my school system because of my use of technology in the classroom, using technology to differentiate instruction, and assisting other teachers in their use of technology. I served as Technology Lead Teacher for three years at my school. I also became National Board Certification in 2005
College and Degrees:
George Mason University, BIS Educational Technology, Walden University, M.Ed - Science Education (in progress)
Sponsor Inventors Club, Sponsor Odyssey of the Mind
Favorite Books:
Kids' Books Maniac Magee, In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson
Favorite Quotes:
I love many quotes by Benjamin Franklin.
Teaching, reading, playing volleyball, gardening, creating web pages
Employment History:
Manassas City Public Schools - 20 years
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach because I love kids and I love making a difference!