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Mr. greg thomas
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West Liberty-Salem School
west liberty, ohio
Class Information:
Room Number: 45
Students per Class: 105
Class Description:
I have 5 classes of World History. The average class has an average of 20 inquisitive enthusiastic students who are eager to learn! We have great fun and exciting times re-visiting the past. They love the Medieval times and stories of the Crusades. They were especially attentive to the conquests of Genghis Khan. We learn about other cultures and marvel at the different customs from around the world.
social studies teacher
We could use many technological upgrades. A Smartboard would be a wonderful tool, especially when we study the geography of an area. The digital cameras would really be a great tool, allowing the students to use their different talent s to create exciting projects. We are also in the market for a mobile computer lab. I would prefer laptops to books because how fast books become outdated and worn. Our current books are over 12 years old. I want my students to be able to enjoy their time in my class and provide them with the tools they will be using when they graduate.
Personal Information:
College and Degrees:
MA - Urbana University
Girls Basketball Coach National Geographic Geography Bee Chairman 7th grade team member
Favorite Books:
Almost any historic book. Lord of the Rings
Favorite Quotes:
Live! Life's a banquet and most people are starving!
Basketball Bicycling Travel History
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach because I enjoy working with young people. The greatest feeling I have is seeing my students striving to reach their potential and knowing I am helping them reach that potential.