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 Elizabeth Askine has rated the lesson plan Titanic Research Book Jul 22, 2010
 Mrs. Askine Working on continued research about Space to create our Reading Research Lab books! May 13, 2010
 Elizabeth Askine has added the lesson plan Titanic Research Book May 13, 2010

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Mrs. Elizabeth Askine
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[email protected]
Norwood Elementary School
Baltimore, MD
Class Information:
Room Number: 6
Students per Class: 26
Class Description:
My first grade class is full of excitement and students. With 26 students I am constantly splitting into groups and differentiating. Also, many of the students in my class have learning disabilities. Using technology has helped my students to better express themselves. Many times they are frustrated and unmotivated to write their ideas so different technologies help them to feel confident and motivated. We are a diverse group of learners that focus on reading, phonics, and math each and every day to help us prepare for the future.
Elementary Teacher
My Philosophy:
Every child CAN learn! We all come from different backgrounds and may have difficult home lives but in my room we are a family. We care about each other and help each other when ever possible. Not only are we responsible for ourselves and our behavior but also to set a good example for others in the school and community!
Personal Information:
About Me:
I love my job!!! When people ask me what job would I have if I wasn't a teacher and I tell them I'd still be a teacher, it's what I'm meant to do. I am married and have the cutest pug at home, Zoe. When I'm not teaching or planning lessons, I enjoy walks in the park or playing tug o' war with Zoe.
College and Degrees:
University of Maryland-College Park (GO TERPS!!!) Bachelor of Science-ElementaryEducation Johns Hopkins University (currently studying) Masters in Instructional Technology and Leadership
Favorite Books:
The entire Harry Potter series and Judy Blume books (I got to meet her in person, she's very smart and very sweet!)
Favorite Quotes:
Teaching is a work of "heart"!
Employment History:
Baltimore County Public Schools
Why Do I Teach?:
My 3rd grade teacher, Ms. Bundy, is my inspiration to teach every day! She inspired me to channel all my energy into helping others and teaching. I teach so that one day my students will become the future leaders of America and inspire others to follow their dreams too!
Percent of Students are:
     At-risk: 60 %
     Average: 40 %
Percent of Students are:
     White/Caucasian : 80 %
     Hispanic: 15 %
     African American: 5 %
Free/Reduced Lunch Program Enrollment:: 58 %
ESL Enrollment:: 40 %
Average number of students in class:: 24 students
Number of students I teach:: 26 students