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i Movie Haunts

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Keywords: iMovie, Sleepy Hollow
Subject(s): Video, Social Skills, Technology, Writing, Music, Reading, Information Skills, Photography, English/Language Arts, Drama, History
Grade P-K
School: Tecumseh Middle School, New Carlisle, OH
Planned By: Lahela Snyder
Original Author: Lahela Snyder, New Carlisle
We begin our fall activities in 8th grade by reading various works from famous American authors such as Washington Irving and Edgar Allan Poe. Our local outdoor drama produces a rendition of Sleepy Hollow, so we schedule an out of school feild trip to view the preformance. After these prequil activites we head to our school computer lab to begin creating "Haunts of Tecumseh Middle School". The students become the author, director and sometimes even the lead character in their own urban legend. The setting is somewhere on the campus of our school. Since I teach in an inclusive setting, one teacher stays in the lab while the other teacher is free to take students outside for filming on the grounds.

Students use iMovie and GarageBand to create and edit thier films. The fiming/creating/editing process takes two weeks.

Students are responsible for coordinating with others in the classroom for the various roles, staging scenes and props. They, all 30 of them, must also coordinate the use of the four videocameras we have to use in order that all get an equal chance. This teaches them responsibility, care for others and also how to set goals.

I provide scene sheets and rubrics to the students and then half way through they schedule a one on one review with me to give them pointers and approve the progress made in the project.

At the end we have a film festival and watch all of the movies. Students provide positive and constructive feedback to one another about their films.

I know this sounds chaotic, however you would be supprised at how little I have to discipline during this two weeks. The students are so excitement driven that they even stay after school to work on this project durin open lab! Fun and leaning is had by all, even myself.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Many times this project has enticed students to research the history of our school to make their movie more historically accurate.
We build on this activity with a video documentary that is research based on a politically controversial topic. Recently many students choose an alternative energy to research.
Materials: Mobile Labs, Video Cameras, Digital Cameras, CDs and DVDs, Hard Drives, Flash/USB Drives, Tripods, Batteries, English/Language Arts, Office Suite, Video Tools, Music, Internet Services