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Cross Curricula Power Point Presentation

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Keywords: Cross Curricula Power Point
Subject(s): Math, English/Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Technology, Music
Grade 8
School: Cherokee Middle School, Kingston, TN
Planned By: Rachel Vowell
Original Author: Rachel Vowell, Kingston
A teacher made power point presentation is shown in class, discussed, and broken down into: How to:
slide transistion
Title page - word art
Changing text size, color, etc
Presenting/ orally and using presentation as visual aid

1. Students select a subject and three possible topics under that subject.
2. Students get the teacher of that subject to sign off on the topics in her/his order of preference. If the teacher prefers, she/he can suggest another topic.
3. Student research topic (using at least 3 different types of sources (all sources must be documented) - books, magazines, newspapers, internet, person, etc .
4. Notes must be written in composition book and slides are roughly sketched (in sets of five)
5. First set is placed on computer
6. Second set sketched and placed on computer
7. Final set sketched and placed on computer
8. Presentation is given in computer technology class
9. Students act as audience and critque the presentation - errors are marked on paper and given to presenter. (Teacher grades presentation at this time)
10. Editing is done and presentation is made ready for subject class.
11. Presentation is given in subject class and given to the teacher. If subject teacher finds things that would make the presentation more beneficial, these can be added in early morning computer or after school computer.

This unit of work will cover a nine weeks period.

Materials: Point and Shoot, Yearbook, Mobile Labs, Word Processor, Database, Paint, Slideshow, Clipart, Worksheets, Special Education, Video Editing, English and Language Arts, Science, Math, Social Studies, Camera Bags, Digital Voice Recorders, Flash/USB Drives, Batteries