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Open Your iPad and Fall Into Books

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Keywords: interacting with books, ipads, digital readers, ereaders, book clubs, Literature circles, reading, integrating technology with reading
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Technology
Grades 2 through 3
School: Kingsway Elementary School, Pt Charlotte, FL
Planned By: Analia DeHayes
Original Author: Analia DeHayes, Pt Charlotte
1.The learners will reflect on their reading interests and strengths in order to form a reading partnership
2.The learners will choose "just right" text to read with “Book Club” members using iPads
3.The learners will plan and organize reading meetings with their “Book Club” members in the class

1.The students will complete a “Reading Interest Survey” provided by the teacher.
2.The teacher will then use the “Reading Interest Survey” to compare similar reading interests and reading abilities in order to assign “Book Club” partners.
3.The teacher will model how to participate in a reading partnership by being participant in a “Book Club”, choosing a role, setting meeting dates, and engaging in meaningful book discussions with students.
4.Students will then participate in reading partnerships independently using forms provided by the teacher
5.Teacher will provide guidance as needed.

This lesson is specifically designed to get students ready for a reading partnership, therefore there is very little to assess at this stage. The teacher does make sure to guide reading partners to appropriate reading selections when choosing books they will read using iPads. The teacher does looks over students' reading plans to make sure that they have set a realistic page number for their first meeting. The teacher also observes students during initial meetings to assure students success.

1. Are additional lessons about choosing "just right" books needed?
2. Do all students understand their specific role?
3. Is there a need for modeling what book discussion should look like?
4. Are there reading partnerships that require extra teacher support?
5. Do all students understand how to make a reading plan?
6. Are the needs of all learners being met?
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
1.Social Studies – students use Google Earth to locate and research the setting of the book. Students can create maps using found materials, flour/water dough, or the “paint” accessory on the computer.
2.Social Studies – students use “Culture Grams” to research the culture represented in the book. They can prepare a report for the class using Power Point.
3.Math – Students will research the money used in the country represented in the book. Students will compare/contrast the monetary system to the American monetary system using a Double Bubble Thinking map.
4.Science – students will create a list of science terms referenced in the book.
5.Art – students will create a poster advertising the book. They will use their choice of media.
6.Music – students will research music representing the setting of the book. They will also discuss background music and choose appropriate soundtracks from freeplaymusic.com to match the mood of various scenes in the book.
1.Students will write and perform Reader’s Theater based on portions of the book.
2.Students will write an advertisement to “sell” the book to their classmates.
3.Students will write a letter to the author to request information about the author’s purpose or process.
4.Students will create a Power Point presentation about their experience using the E Readers for the other classes in heir grade. They will present these as a starting point for other classes.
Materials: Elementary
Other Items: 12 Wi-Fi 16GB iPads, $499.00 each, total of $5988.00