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Real Life Math Applications

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Keywords: authentic math task, math, real life, math powerpoint, math videos
Subject(s): Math, Technology
Grades 3 through 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
View Full Text of Standards
School: Oakley Elementary, Union City , GA
Planned By: Daphney Mills
Original Author: Daphney Mills, Union City
Prior to the completion of this activity, students should be provided a rubric that outlines teacher expectations for videos (i.e. mathematical relevancy, explanations, and accuracy of skill application) and powerpoint presentations (i.e. words and ideas per slide, awareness of audience, summary of main points, and convincing argument on the necessity of learning this skill).

Phase I: After completing math lessons on adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing decimals, students will be responsible for using a flip camera to videotape a 12-15 minute real life experience that incorporates or allows them to practice or apply one of the aforementioned math skills. Possible student videos could include the taping of a shopping trip and their thinking aloud as they 1) round amounts to the nearest whole number, 2)determine the best deal for their money (by dividing the price by the ounces or quantity of items included), or 3)multiplying or adding amounts to determine totals. Ideas for possible project implementation can be discussed with lower performing or struggling students to assist them with identifying real life math applications in their everday lives. **Students will later include these videos in their Powerpoints.

Phase II: With a partner (for support), students will develop a Powerpoint presentation that: 1) explains their selected skill - step by step 2) bullets at least 3-5 real life experiences or tasks that would involve the necessity of knowing their skill, and 3) includes their video (real life example/application of the skill). The Powerpoints will be presented to their classmates and will be uploaded onto the class webpage for future access.

Phase III: Students will complete an entry in their math journals narrating their experiences with the technology (flip camera, Powerpoint, LCD projector, digital camera), working with their partners to complete and assist each other with developing their powerpoints, and adding their videos into the final presentations. Providing a feedback form will also allow students to evaluate and offer suggestions to the teacher or future classes that may be repeating this project.

Optional: Using a digital camera, students may take pictures to include in their Powerpoints or to add as visual evidence in their math journals.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Journal writing supports writing the curriculum. In addition, the persuasive element that is required in the Powerpoint supports students' development of developing convincing arguments with supporting details.
Peer evaluation or ratings of classmates' Powerpoints is optional. However, if students are providing feedback, instruct them on how to provide effective feedback (State the positives first, and then state the Powerpoints weaknesses as next steps or suggestions)
Materials: Math, LCD Monitors, Computer Accessories, Elementary, Digital Cameras, Flip Video, Whiteboards
Other Items: 5 Digital cameras, $80 each, total of $400.00
10 Flip Ultra HD (2 for $150), $75 each, total of $750.00
1 Promethean Board (Price available until 6/30), $2000 each, total of $2000.00
1 LCD projector, $700 each, total of $700.00