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How Does Your Garden Grow?

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Keywords: Graphs, Measurement, Plants, Growing environment
Subject(s): Math, Science, Special Needs
Grades 3 through 5
School: Ralph Downs Elementary School, Oklahoma City, OK
Planned By: Angela Kwok
Original Author: Angela Kwok, Oklahoma City
Sequence of the lesson:

1. Students are provided instructions for the experiment

2. Students make a hypothesis of which 3 growing environments they think the plant will grow best (water and sun, sun no water, or water no sun

3. Students set up their experiment taking pictures and writing a clear explanation of their process. Students insert pictures into a Word document on a computer and type in the appropriate captions for each picture.

4. Students record the time of day and the amount of water added each day (plants 1 and 3 only)

A. Students take pictures of each plant one time each day

B. Students print the pictures of their plants using a photo printer

C. Students measure the height of their plant and label the date and the height of the plant on their picture.

D. Students insert the data of the height and date for each plant into a graph each day.

5. At the end of 4 weeks students make a conclusion of which growing environment is best. They predict what they learned from this experiment and how the information learned could be transferred to other plant varieties. Students create a new experiment using a control group and 2 alternative variables (Examples: peanut butter used as dirt, pot size, amount of water added each day, etc.)

6. Students share their results with the class in a formal presentation

A. Students describe their process of setting up the experiment

B. Students share results from their study using a graph to support their summary (The graph is displayed on 1 " graph paper mounted to cardboard, each line and plant is represented by a different color) The X-axis is labeled "height in inches". The Y-axis is labeled "day".

Many students will benefit from this project, both students with disabilities and students without disabilities. The materials will be used in one classroom, but will be shared among the teachers across that particular grade level.
Students compare/contrast results from first experiment with results from 2nd experiment. For example: If the plant in the first experiment grew well with water and sun, was that plant also the strongest plant with the plant material peanut butter?
Materials: Digital SLR, Camera Bags, xD Memory Cards
Other Items: 2 1" graph chart pad, $21.00 each, total of $42.00
25 Posterboard, $45.43 each, total of $1135.75
1 Photo Printer, $174.79 each, total of $174.79
4 Photo Paper, $16.00 each, total of $64.00
1 Ink Replacement, $24.00 each, total of $24.00