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Recycle with the Library!

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Keywords: recycling, technology, public speaking
Subject(s): Information Skills, Photography, Video, Technology, Podcasting, Journalism, Speech and Language
Grades 6 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Coolidge MIddle School, Reading, MA
Planned By: Christine Steinhauser
Original Author: Christine Steinhauser, Reading
The Coolidge Middle School library is working with FundingFactory.com to recycle old electronics and raise funds for our school. Our students are podcasting audio commercials, creating video commercials using a green screen, and creating flyers to publicize and promote the recycling in the community. They contact community groups for help and use community organizations such as the public televison and newspaper for publicity. The students will also create Public Service Announcements about the importance of recycling and care for the environment.
To do this we need some new technology. We would like to purchase a group of iPads and some software. The iPads could be used for videotaping, podcasting, and writing. The software would be used for the video and audio editing.
This project would help raise awareness for recycling as well as promoting creativity and 21st century skills for students.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This is a school project with a large number of students participating.
This is an ongoing activity.
Materials: Video Tools, Cables, Art Tools, Podcasting, Integrating Technology
Other Items: 6 iPad, $499.00 each, total of $2994.00
6 iPad covers, $39.00 each, total of $234.00
6 video editing software- Pinnacle Studio, $129.00 each, total of $774.00