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Telling a Story will Sound

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Keywords: Sound stories, podcasting, audio, writing
Subject(s): Technology, Social Skills, Journalism, Podcasting
Grades 9 through 12
School: Cypress Lake High School, Fort Myers, FL
Planned By: Micki Woodford
Original Author: Micki Woodford, Fort Myers
Objective: Using digital audio software, jounalism skills, & ambient noise tell a story. You narrate the story weaving the interviews quotes, soun effects, & other audio features into a colorful & easity to imagine story.

To Do:
1. Write down the story. Who cares about this? Where does this take place? When did this occur? How does it affect our school? families, communties ect.
Write down two people you plan to interview that are important to the story. How are you going to contact them? (day 1)
(If needed take 1-2 too go over recording methods or learn audio recording equipment. Toolfactory podcasting software is perfect!
2. Record your interviews, find music to enhance the mood, record ambient sound to set the stage. (day 2-5)
3. Write you narrators scrips weaving the story with the quotes into a 60-90 second story. (day 6-7)
4. Record your narration and advoid using (Me & I) Edit your story together. (day 8-9)
5. Critique and listen to each others storys. (day 10)
6. Save stories as a MP3 files and post on your schools website or podcast!

Instead of students choosing topics, allow students to only doing GREEN themes, school issues, or other subject that might enhance school wide initiatives.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Pair up with speech teachers or creative writing teachers.
Materials: Web Page, Podcasting, Digital Voice Recorders, Flash/USB Drives