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days left
End Date:
Goal: $2500.00
Raised: $0.00
Other Amount
$125.00 - 5% of fundraiser goal
$250.00 - 10% of fundraiser goal
$375.00 - 15% of fundraiser goal
$625.00 - 25% of fundraiser goal
$1250.00 - 50% of fundraiser goal
$2500.00 - 100% of fundraiser goal

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I would like to install a Smartboard in the 7th grade Mathematics classroom. By implementing a board in my room helps increase student interaction and helps develop lessons that are both engaging and highly successful in learning.

As a low income school district we do not have the budget to put Smartboards in the classroom, and need outside funding in order to provide this for my students.

Share This Link: http://www.digitalwish.com/dw/digitalwish/view_fundraiser?id=1982

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Spread The Word:
Smart Board Implementation
Smart Board Implementation
Goal $2,500.00, $0.00 raised

Kyle Heifner
Steelville Middle School