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days left
End Date:
Goal: $300.00
Raised: $0.00
Other Amount
$15.00 - 5% of fundraiser goal
$30.00 - 10% of fundraiser goal
$45.00 - 15% of fundraiser goal
$75.00 - 25% of fundraiser goal
$150.00 - 50% of fundraiser goal
$300.00 - 100% of fundraiser goal

...Or, join the team and help spread the word!

Help keep the spirit of journalism alive and well! Budget cuts and rising expenses make it more and more costly to produce our school paper. We'd like to make an investment in a better online newspaper and ensure we have enough money to keep our print edition going. Our current costs include:

$650 one-time startup fee for a new website
$200 maintenance costs every year thereafter
$500- 700 to produce a print edition

Journalistic skills are needed now more than ever. Support high school journalism!

Share This Link: http://www.digitalwish.com/dw/digitalwish/view_fundraiser?id=38

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This team currently has no members. Join now or make a donation!
*Transaction fees apply to this amount.
Spread The Word:
LHS Imprint
LHS Imprint
Goal $300.00, $0.00 raised

Kelly Bridges
Leonardtown High School

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