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Sharp EL-520 Scientific Calculator, $179.40, 0.00% raised
Sharp EL-520 Scientific Calculator Rank:
Single Unit Why I need this:
Our calculators are not working well anymore.
Quantity: 12 Price: $14.95

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 Elaine Schaffran has added to their wishlist Feb 26, 2010


Here is the technology that Elaine Schaffran has acquired through Digital Wish:
Flip Ultra™ 120-minute Camcorder 2-for-1!, Flip Ultra™ 120-minute - 2 for $150
Ms. Elaine Schaffran
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Findley Academy
Class Information:
Room Number: 117
Students per Class: up to 12
Class Description:
Right now I have 8 male students in my classroom. (12.5% Asian, 37.5% Caucasian, 50% African American). I teach grades 3, 4, and 5, all subject areas and additional Interventions in Language Arts. I also take in students from all other grade levels who are having difficulties in the classroom for a short period of time.
Special Ed. Teacher
Students with severe behavior disorders and cross categorical, Autism, ADHD, ADD, other health impairments
My Philosophy:
All students are able to learn and they need work that is challenging, not lowered beneath their abilities.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I am a special education teacher. I teach students with severe behavior disorders. I have taught for 10 years and I still love teaching.
College and Degrees:
Prior college 3.5 years; Kent State Stark Campus, Associate of Science; Kent State University, Bachelor of Science in Education; Ashland University, Master of Education, Curriculum and Instruction.
Favorite Books:
Jonathan Kellerman's thrillers and right now I am reading The Time Traveler's Wife
I love to read (approx. 30 books per year) usually when the weather is bad and every night. I love to spend time with my family, friends, and of course my dog (Izzy). When the weather is nice I like to ride my motorcycle, go hiking, camping, anything outdoors. I also take many photographs, one summer I took over 5,000 pictures. In all of my other spare time, I have taken up Crocheting (have made 4 afghans and a scarf) and I enjoy cooking dinners for my friends.
Employment History:
SunOhio; Bausch & Lomb; Akron Public Schools.
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach students with severe behavior disorders because that is what I love to do!
Free/Reduced Lunch Program Enrollment:: 100 %
Average number of students in class:: 26 students
Number of students I teach:: 8 students