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 Jennifer Kiminski has added to their wishlist Apr 22, 2010
 Jennifer Kiminski has added the lesson plan Articulation Video News Report Nov 11, 2009

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Here is the technology that Jennifer Kiminski has acquired through Digital Wish:
Flip Video Tripod (2)
Flip Ultra™ 120-minute Camcorder 2-for-1!, Flip Ultra™ 120-minute - 2 for $150
Flip Ultra™ 120-minute Camcorder 2-for-1!
Ms. Jennifer Kiminski
Add Me as a Friend!
Weaver Elementary School
Woodbury, MN
Class Information:
Room Number: 4
Students per Class: approximately 35
Class Description:
I do not have a regular "classroom". I see my students individually or in small groups. Much of our speech work is done in pull-out groups, but some is done in the classroom. My students all work very hard to improve their communication skills.
Speech Lng. Pathologist
I am in need of some technology to help with both therapy and evaluation. My old recorder I had been using for the last 10 years finally broke (it was old - 1975?), and I am currently borrowing a digital voice recorder to do speech samples from my husband. Unfortunately, he keeps needing it back and then my speech samples get erased.
My Philosophy:
My philosophy is that the students are the most important part of my work. I believe improving their communication skills helps them to become more successful learners, and more productive adults. I can be having a bad day due to other things, but my students never fail to bring a smile to my face.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I have been a speech language pathologist with this district for 12 years and I really enjoy it.
College and Degrees:
BA in Child Psychology and MA in Communication Disorders from the University of Minnesota, MPLS
Most of my activities revolve around my family and children.
Favorite Books:
Jane Austen, mysteries
Favorite Quotes:
You never know until you try.
Speech, reading, family, friends
Employment History:
I have been with ISD 622 since 1997. I started at the high school and moved to Weaver Elementary in 1999. I have been there ever since. This year I am also working at Maplewood Middle School. This is my first year with middle school students. I think they would respond fabulously to some of this technology!
Why Do I Teach?:
I work with elementary and middle school students with speech and language needs. My students work on articulation, fluency, language, autism and social skills.
Percent of Students are:
     At-risk: 50 %
     Average: 25 %
     High-achiever: 25 %
     Special Needs: 50 %
Percent of Students are:
     White/Caucasian : 50 %
     Hispanic: 10 %
     African American: 10 %
     Asian: 30 %
Free/Reduced Lunch Program Enrollment:: 75 %
ESL Enrollment:: 50 %
Number of students I teach:: 35 students