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Michele Thomas

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Caro High School
Class Information:
Room Number: 919
Students per Class: 125 daily
Class Description:
Oral Communication offers students the opportunity to develop a broad range of oral communication skills including interpersonal, small group and public speaking activities. Students study communication theory as it applies to a variety of situations. They are required to perform a number of informal and prepared presentations designed to improve their speaking ability and enhance their self-confidence. Students study the principles of academic debate while researching the interscholastic debate topic for the current year. This component of the class culminates in debate presentations in which students practice constructive and rebuttal speech strategies, cross-examination,note taking, critiquing, and critical thinking skills. Students should expect to do extensive research in preparation for debate. Drama covers an overview of theatrical performance and production. Students study acting, technical and management elements of plays. Performances include many historical and contemporary scenes
Because we have only one computer lab for over 600 students, it is very difficult to schedule time for adequate researching in all of my classes. My students would benefit from a laptop cart that was designated for the Oral Communications Department (there are two teachers). Another need is for one or more digital video recorders so that students can videotape rehearsals of their speeches and performances. Being able to see themselves before they speak or perform for a grade would of great benefit to them.
My Philosophy:
The skills taught in my class are ones students will use the rest of their lives, no matter what career choices they make. These skills prepare them for jobs, for college, for marriage, and for parenthood. It is my job to help my students be the best persons they can be!
Personal Information:
Why Do I Teach?:
When students enter my class in the fall, they are dreading the thought of getting up in front of their peers and speaking or performing. The transformation that takes place over the school year is amazing and that is why I teach. It is rewarding to see students grow and mature with confidence and communication skills. The best reward is when they come back from college, the work field, or the military and they tell me how grateful they are for the preparation they received!
Percent of Students are:
     At-risk: 20 %
     Average: 50 %
     High-achiever: 20 %
     Special Needs: 10 %
Percent of Students are:
     White/Caucasian : 90 %
     Hispanic: 7 %
     African American: 2 %
     Asian: 1 %
Free/Reduced Lunch Program Enrollment:: 40 %
Average number of students in class:: 28 students
Number of students I teach:: 125 students