I have several classes of students in the library. They range in size from four 5th graders to ten 3rd graders. They are a great bunch of kids who truly enjoy coming to the library.
What do they need? Wow, so much. I would love for them to have access to EReaders. We have access to the EBooks but do not have the readers. My older students would love to be able to work on laptops.
My Philosophy:
My philosophy is that all of my students deserve to have an equal footing as other students in bigger schools. Sadly, they do not. Our budget is small because we are small.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I am a librarian who loves her students.
College and Degrees:
BA in Social Science from the College of St. Joseph
Master in Information Science from SUNY Albany
YA Book Club
Favorite Books:
I love them all.
Favorite Quotes:
I always pictured heaven to be a bit like a library
The Love of Learning, The sequestered nooks, And all the sweet serenity of books"~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Employment History:
Minerva Central School 16 years
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach because I love it. I am a librarian because I love the way books open the world to me. I want my students to experience the world through their library. They are so sheltered in our little town of 700 people. Their opportunites are limited compared to students in larger towns or cities.