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 Miranda Bishop has added to their wishlist Oct 23, 2014
Mrs. Miranda Bishop
Add Me as a Friend!
[email protected].ms.us
East Central High School
Class Information:
Room Number: 104
Students per Class: 75
Class Description:
I teach two at-risk English Language Arts classes and one regular English Language Arts class.
English teacher
We are preparing for a new state test that is taken online, but we don't have enough laptops in our school for my students to use in class. Our school doesn't have the resources to buy classroom laptops that we so desperately need!
My Philosophy:
The most important skill to teach students in the classroom is self-confidence; when this skill is mastered, all others seem less challenging.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I have a great husband, two awesome boys (who fight constantly), and three dogs (who are the only ones who get me in this family!).
College and Degrees:
Bachelor's in Secondary English Ed; Masters in Secondary English Education
Cross country coach, track coach, wish granter for The Make-A-Wish Foundation
Favorite Books:
So many! I love classics, science fiction, westerns, mysteries, romances.... Too difficult to narrow!
Favorite Quotes:
"I hope you have twins..." (My mother to my sister and me when we were young.) I realize that most people answer this with famous quotes or less famous quotes from famous people, but my mother's will always be my favorite. Miss you, Mom.
I love to read, run, eat, and nap (all of which I cannot do because of my boys' extracurricular activities).
Employment History:
I've worked for this school district since I graduated college. I love this school!
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach at-risk students- by choice! My main goal is to teach them self-confidence in their abilities. Once they believe in themselves, they're able to learn!
Percent of Students are:
     At-risk: 66 %
     Average: 33 %
Percent of Students are:
     White/Caucasian : 95 %
     Hispanic: 1 %
     African American: 4 %
Free/Reduced Lunch Program Enrollment:: 60 %
Average number of students in class:: 24 students
Number of students I teach:: 75 students