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 Feliza Carter has started a fundraiser, iPads for Forgan School Library, for Feliza Carter Aug 12, 2015
Ms. Feliza Carter
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Forgan School
Class Information:
Students per Class: 13
Class Description:
Students in grades preschool through eighth grade either come to my library or I go into their classroom to facilitate information skill lessons, story hours, and research projects. Being a small, rural school with a high percentage of low income families, many students only have access to the internet and programs used to produce work at school. I conduct collaborative lessons with classroom teachers that address core curriculum areas for their grade and I try to incorporate a technology component into almost every lesson we do. Creating a class book photographed and written by kindergartners, third grade dinosaur research with baseball style trading cards, sixth grade Ancient Greece research with visual presentations, and 8th grade Underground Railroad Art analysis are a few of the lessons that students do in the library during the year.
Having 15 iPad Air 2’s that can be taken into the classrooms--so every student in the class can search for information, evaluate resources, create projects for class presentations, use technology to accomplish work tasks, and participate in virtual field trips--would facilitate student discovery, allow individualized pacing, and foster critical thinking and evaluation skills. With the limited number of computers available to me and the age of my technology, most projects must be done in small groups and broken into small time blocks because so many students must share the computers. While the ability to work with a group is a valuable skill, I would also like my students to feel confident that they can produce a product on their own and to have the freedom to let their creativity and learning soar.
Personal Information:
College and Degrees:
Masters in Library and Information Studies from the University of Oklahoma
Favorite Books:
Legend Trilogy by Marie Lu When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead Revolver by Marcus Sedgwick Anythingby Agatha Christie or Janet Evanovitch
Percent of Students are:
     At-risk: 30 %
     Average: 40 %
     High-achiever: 7 %
     Special Needs: 23 %
Percent of Students are:
     White/Caucasian : 66 %
     Hispanic: 34 %
Free/Reduced Lunch Program Enrollment:: 52 %
ESL Enrollment:: 13 %
Average number of students in class:: 13 students
Number of students I teach:: 109 students