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Amy London

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Mrs. Kathy Tarlton
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West Montgomery High School
Troy, NC
Class Information:
Room Number: 307
Students per Class: 25
Class Description:
I teach 4 different classes a day. Computer Aided Drafting is taught using AutoDesk products. We have the 2009 version. This is the first time any technology like this has been in this school and the kids are eager and love this class. ComputerEngineering is a class where my students build PCs from component parts and then troubleshoot faults that I set in them. They also investigate operating systems, networking, security issues, laptops, and printers. This class is challenging even for good students. I work continuously to make it interesting by bringing in new technologies for them to see and put their hands on. Computer Applications is a class where my students learn all the Microsoft Office suite. Databases is probably the most challenging part of this class. Being able to show my students in real time what I'm teaching through a data projector or classroom management software is a must. The last class I teach is Advanced Business. For this course I'm teaching my students various digital media software and hardware. This course is where my biggest needs lie. We don't have sufficient access to recording or video devices. I want to work on podcasting with them because of all the cool web 2.0 stuff out there to do.
I am asking for podcasting kits to work with my kids. We ultimately want to publish educational podcasts to teacher tube and our school website to help our students review if they didn't understand something or if they were absent.
My Philosophy:
Putting technology in the hands of students gives them an edge in our global workplace. I want my students to be competitive enough to enter the workforce on a global scale.
Personal Information:
College and Degrees:
BS in Technology Education from NC State University; MA in Administration and Supervision from the University of Phoenix
SkillsUSA; Horsebackriding
Favorite Books:
P.S. I Love You - Cecelia Ahern; anything Nicholas Sparks
Horses; Camping; Trailriding
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach because I like helping young people understand what they need to make it in a career. I love working with young people. Ever day brings new challenges and no 2 days are ever the same. Plus, teenagers keep you young...I know all the new music, what not to wear, etc. because my students are quick to tell me when I don't look right in something :-)