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 Mrs. McCracken is working to get more technology at Stephenson!!! Mar 19, 2010
 Mrs. McCracken teacher Sep 18, 2009
Mrs. Michele McCracken
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Stephenson Elementary School
Portland, Oregon
Class Information:
Room Number: 112
Students per Class: 20
Class Description:
I work in a stable community where the school is the center of activity. My class this year has a variety of needs including severe ADHD, learning disabilities, emotional issues, bullying behaviors, and lack of time with parents. Your typical 2nd grade class!
Classroom Teacher
My students are on their best behavior and are fully engaged when we use technology. I'd love to have my own data camera to attach to my laptop and projector. This kind of technology would allow my students to do their best, be engaged, and show academic gains.
My Philosophy:
All children deserve the best in my classroom and are expected to give their best. We hope to respect all members of our community and expect it in return. However, children make mistakes and when that happens, as a teacher, it is a time to grasp as a teachable moment.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I've been an educator in Portland for 29 years. I can't imagine doing anything else since teaching young children is such an important part of my life. I have 2 grown children of my own and a great husband who supports me. When I retire I hope to find another avenue for teaching technology.
College and Degrees:
BS from Oregon State University MAT from Lewis & Clark College
Gardening, family history, camping, water skiing and snow skiing, decorating my house, creating websites, stamping and other crafts.
Favorite Books:
Kite Runner, DaVinci Code, Poisonwood Bible, Congo, and more!
Favorite Quotes:
"You're only as strong as your weakest link." "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." "Ask not what your neighbor can do for you, but what you can do for your neighbor."
Technology, learning styles, studies of boys and how they are being affected by modern life and circumstances, travel.
Employment History:
While I've always taught in Portland Public, I've held a variety of jobs including regular classroom teacher in grades, 1, 2, and 3; mixed age classrooms in grades 1/2 and 2/3; team teaching; and Technology teacher.
Why Do I Teach?:
I love working with children. I love seeing their reactions and see where their ideas take them. I've never had a bad day teaching!