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 Digital Wish has awarded the Discover your Community! grant to Missy Johnson Jul 02, 2013

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Here is the technology that Missy Johnson has acquired through Digital Wish:
Here is the grant that I have won through Digital Wish: Discover your Community!
Flip Ultra™ 120-minute Camcorder 2-for-1!, Flip Ultra™ 120-minute - 2 for $150
Flip Ultra™ 120-minute Camcorder 2-for-1!, Flip Ultra™ 120-minute - 2 for $150
Mrs. Missy Johnson
Add Me as a Friend!
Hayesville Elementary School
Class Information:
Room Number: 15
Students per Class: 23
Class Description:
I teach a regular classroom with a wide variety of abilities, personalities and needs. Many of my students are from low-income homes with no technology in the home. These students do not really know how to use a computer, but are always excited about being given the opportunity. I have many students whose parents did not finish and/or did not enjoy school. These students are facing an uphill battle in many cases and need an advantage and motivation that I believe technology could give them.
1st Grade Teacher
My classroom has 3 student use computers with no educational software on them. I am told that in the fall we will be receiving mulitimedida projectors but I do not believe they will come with any programs or training. I do not what kinds of programs will help me to make effective use of this tool, but I am very excited to learn how to put it to good use.
My Philosophy:
I believe that children really want to learn, they have a "thirst for knowledge," as the saying goes. However, in this day of video games and television, we as teachers need more exciting and engaging methods for teaching. It is very hard to keep their attention if we are teaching in the mode of Ferris Bueller's teacher! We must be able to present our lessons in a mode that they comprehend, Super Mario. I am striving to bring some form of that to my classroom and school.