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 Mrs. Good Library Media Specialist Aug 20, 2009
Mrs. Kay Good
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Tescott Elementary School
Class Information:
Students per Class: 188
Class Description:
I teach weekly library and information literacy classess to grades PreK-6. Then I work with grades 7-12 by collaborating and team teaching with their teachers. I sponsor a Tech Club and a Literature club for high school students
Library Media Specialist
I would like to have about 12 laptops or smaller computers for library classes. It would be super to be able to provide digital cameras and digital video cameras for class projects. I have a need for a multimedia projector with a brighter light for the library presentations. I would like some MP3 players to be able to check out digital books and audio books to students.
My Philosophy:
My philosophy is that we need to teach children to learn. The more projects they are involved in the better their learning skills become as they have to adjust, adapt, relearn, plan, and accomplish/completethe project.
Personal Information:
About Me:
As a LMS I love to read, I am an avid "techie", I like to cook and quilt and garden. I have two grandsons and they are the joy in my life!
College and Degrees:
BS in Elementary Education. MS in Secondary Education and Instructional Technology. Both from Kansas State University.
Traveling. Attend workshops to learn more about quilting and teaching. Trying new restaurants with different cuisines.
Favorite Books:
Humor (Janet Evanovitch), Mystery, Biographies, True stories
Why Do I Teach?:
I teach because of the satisfaction I receive from helping others learn.
Free/Reduced Lunch Program Enrollment:: 62 %