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 Mrs. Pat Betteley Sep 25, 2009


Here is the technology that has acquired through Digital Wish:
Flip Ultra™ 120-minute Camcorder 2 for 1! Flip Ultra™ 120-minute - 2 for $150
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Perry Middle School
Class Information:
Room Number: 109
Students per Class: 80
Class Description:
I teach in a community that is unique. Half of the students are farm kids descended from the original families in a small, rural community known for its nurseries and plants. The others are children of engineers and workers from the nuclear power plant that was built about 20 years ago in the town. The mixture of students from two very different backgrounds plus some hispanic and ethnic students that are just beginning to move into our very conservative, traditional community makes for an interesting mix. Some children love horses, making hay (literally), and living the farm life, while others are high tech with the latest video gadgets, designer clothes, and exotic vaction spots.
We need technology. Our school was originally quite wealthy when the power plant was just built. The tax windfall allowed the district to build a state-of-the-art educational village. Twenty some years later, the money has run out, the building has many maintenance issues, the school is in no position to ask for money, and the citizens are in no mood to give any. I am in need of a digital camera and videocamera to record student demonstrations and projects. We are doing an inquiry with classes in Belize and Antarctica, and I would like to send videocasts of my students to our new friends in other countries. I would like an Elmo projector to project pages from books of which I have only one copy, and experiments with small pieces that can't be seen by the whole group. The students would also benefit from microscopes, as we none at all to use when we study cells in our biology unit. Lastly, we could use a classroom computer, printer, and scanner for students to use for research and printing of project materials.
My Philosophy:
Live life to the fullest. Take advantage of every opportunity. Get better every day.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I have taught for over 20 years. I love to walk, travel, write. I have published over 20 skits based on multi-cultural folktales, written curriculum, articles for teaching magazines, and book of skits. My favorite place to travel is WY and Yellowstone National Park in the summers.
College and Degrees:
My undergrad K-8 elementary education degree is from Bowling Green, OH. I have a masters degree in Curriculum instruction with reading certification K-12 from Cleveland State. Currently, I am finishing up a masters in teaching elementary biology from Miami U. of Ohio.
I love to walk, play the piano and handbells, sing in a community chorale, and participate in theatre. I direct the middle schools plays at our school, and greatly enjoy watching shy students bloom under the spotlight. Last summer, I was able to work as a master teacher in WY, and travel to Belize for an ecology/inquiry course that has greatly broadened my horizons and provided new teaching insights.
Why Do I Teach?:
6th grade science and social studies
Percent of Students are:
     At-risk: 20 %
     Average: 55 %
     High-achiever: 15 %
     Special Needs: 10 %
Percent of Students are:
     White/Caucasian : 90 %
     Hispanic: 5 %
     African American: 4 %
     Asian: 1 %
Free/Reduced Lunch Program Enrollment:: 27 %
ESL Enrollment:: 20 %
Average number of students in class:: 24 students
Number of students I teach:: 80 students