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Keywords: digital citizenship, cybersafety, netiquette
Subject(s): Business, Technology
Grade P-K
NETS-S Standard:
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
View Full Text of Standards
School: South Miami K-8 Center, Miami, FL
Planned By: Joyce Rosales
Original Author: Joyce Rosales, Miami
Exhibit legal and ethical behaviors when using information and technology and discuss
the consequences of misuse.
Analyze the positive and negative impacts of computing on human culture.
Describe ethical issues that relate to computers and networks (e.g., security, privacy,
ownership, and information sharing).
Compare appropriate and inappropriate social networking behaviors.
Compare the positive and negative impacts of technology on culture (e.g., social
networking, delivery of news and other public media, and intercultural
Discuss the social and economic implications associated with hacking and software
Demonstrate ethical use of modern communication media and devices.
Analyze the beneficial and harmful effects of computing innovations.

Talk about the meaning of integrity and why it is important to be responsible for your actions all the time, even when using technology. Explain that if they think something they are going to do could be wrong, it is better not to do it.
Discuss the consequences of things that could happen when they are not good digital citizens and mayb break the law.
Use a digital citizenship presentation on the whiteboard to gain insightful knowledge regarding Digital Citizenship terminology.
Discuss Do's and Don'ts that will be displayed on whiteboard, student will take notes and create a digital journal with these.
Students will take turns roleplaying a person using the computer/Internet correctly or incorrectly. The class will give thumbs up if it is an appropriate use of technology and a thumbs down if it is an unethical use of technology.
View and discuss a family contract of online safety and a kid's safety pledge. Students will take this home and discuss with their family and everyone is to sign it. Students will return the pledge to class and the teacher will display them on a Cyber Safety bulletin board.
Students will then go on assigned websites to play Internet Safety Games.

Teacher observation, Edmodo online quiz of digital citizenship terminology will be graded, post pledges on bulletin board
Links: NetSmartKidz
AT&T Safety Land
Gamequarium Internet Safety
FBI Kids Safety
Materials: Whiteboards, Projectors, LCD Monitors, Keyboards, Headsets, Mice, Games, Web Page, Internet Services
Other Items: 1 Digital Citizenship IT Curriculum Unit Package , $199.00 each, total of $199.00