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days left
End Date:
Goal: $1700.00
Raised: $825.00
Other Amount
$85.00 - 5% of fundraiser goal
$170.00 - 10% of fundraiser goal
$255.00 - 15% of fundraiser goal
$425.00 - 25% of fundraiser goal
$850.00 - 50% of fundraiser goal
$1700.00 - 100% of fundraiser goal

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My dream is to have 100% of my students engaged during every lesson in every subject area. With students performing at different academic levels, this is sometimes challenging to accomplish.

Over the past month, I have been utilizing the second grade iPad cart as much as possible. This means that on days when the iPads have been available, I have been bringing 4 of them up to our room to use during the day. The results I have seen from this have been unbelievable!

I recently taught several maths lesson in a small-group setting, and this made for some of the best math lessons we have shared all year! I had the students rotate through four centers during our math block. One of the rotations was an iPad center where the students reviewed a math concept taught earlier in the year. It was a great experience for everyone!

I would like to raise money to purchase 4 iPads for our classroom. By working with my students in small groups, I am able to see their strengths and weaknesses with new material immediately. The iPads will help challenge those students already mastering the skills taught, as well as offer a different form of instruction to review concepts for those still struggling with a new idea.

Using iPads in my classroom will truly help us reach our goal of having "Every Child Engaged!"

Share This Link: http://www.digitalwish.com/everychildengaged

Name Donation Visits Generated Comments
Allison Young $375.00 1 Donated by Blakie and Drew Bernstein.
Ray Romano $100.00 0
Heidi Lifrage, The petite palette $100.00 0
Alison Hannon $50.00 0
kelley gangle $100.00 0
Saralyn Rodriguez $100.00 0
Total Raised: $825.00*    
*Transaction fees apply to this amount.
Spread The Word:
Every Child Engaged!
Every Child Engaged!
Goal $1,700.00, $825.00 raised

Allison Young
Audubon Park Elementary School

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