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Keywords: nouns, pronouns, adjectives, action verbs, prepositions, sentences, portfolio, engilsh, grammar, grammar shots
Subject(s): Grammar, English/Language Arts, Writing
Grades K through 8
School: Houser Intermediate School, Conroe, TX
Planned By: Casey Reynard
Original Author: Casey Reynard, Conroe


Take pic of each student, teacher, librarian, nurse, cafeteria lady, secretary


Playground, cafeteria, office, library, classroom, gym. Take a few extra pictures of places of places in the neighborhood that the children would be familiar with EXAMPLE: Wal-Mart, mall, grocery store, ToysRUs.


Let each student take a picture of an object in the classroom, in the school, or outside that is a “thing.” You could assign the “things” that you want.
Each student will need 2 copies of the pictures. I recommend that you size the pictures to a wallet size. Make sure when you copy that your copiers’ setting are on Photo.

One set of copies for the student’s Grammar Shots portfolio. These pictures will be cut and placed in the Ziploc bag that is attached to the brad of the folder.

The other set of copies is for he Nouns Collage.

You will add four sheets to the Grammar Shots folder.

~ Noun’s cover sheet. A noun is a person, place, or thing.

~ Students will cut out all pictures
~ They will have 3 worksheets in front of them.
• People
• Place
• Things

~ They will glue the pictures to the appropriate titled page.

Now have your students write 5-10 complete sentences using one or more of the pictures on their collages. You may have to assist younger students. Make sure they start with a capital letter and end with the correct punctuation.

Add this page to you Grammar Shots folder.


*** You will need to take NEW pictures.
-One of each student
-Groups pictures of 2-4 kids in each group.
-A few pictures of some classroom objects

You will add 4 sheets to the Grammar Shots folder.

~ Pronoun’s cover sheet. A pronoun is a word that takes the place of the one or more nouns.

~ Singular Pronoun
-This sheet will have I, me, you, he, she, it, hem her.
-Your students will need to place a copy of the picture that matches its pronoun. For example by I they will place a picture of themselves. By you, they will place a picture of a classmate and so on.

~ Plural Pronouns
-This sheet will have we, us, you, they, and them. –Your students will need to place a copy of the picture that matches its pronoun.


~ You will need to take NEW pictures.
~Have the student’s work with partners to decide their ACTION. Their partner will take a picture of them either jumping, running, sliding, walking, skipping, climbing, drinking or whatever they come up with.
~ Each student will need a copy these pictures.

*** Add an ACTION VERB page to Grammar Shots

~ Have your students glue the picture of them and each of their classmates doing his/her action to a blank sheet of paper. Have them write a complete sentence for that picture. For example: Casey ran across the playground. (Make sure you start with a capital letter and end with the correct end mark)
** You could even extend this to writing the action verb in present-tense, past-tense, and future-tense.


~You will need to take NEW pictures.
~ Have groups of 2-3 take one picture of a object of their choice.
~Each student needs a copy of these pictures.

~ Add this page: An adjective is a word that describes, or modifies, a noun or pronoun.

~Have your student write sentences that go with the pictures. Make sure they are using good adjectives.


~You can use a copy of your action verbs.
~Each student needs a copy of these pictures.

~ Add this page: An adverb is a word that describes, or modifies, a verb.

~Have your student write sentences that go with the pictures. Make sure they are using good verb to describe the actions. Example: Casey ran swiftly across the playground.


~ You can use the pictures the students took for and object for pronouns or a thing for nouns.
~Each student needs a copy of his/her picture only.

~Add this page: A preposition is a word that shows how a noun or pronoun is related to other words in the sentence.

~ Have your students place his/her picture in the middle of a blank sheet of paper. Have them write these prepositions in the correct place in reference to his/her picture.
• across, after, at, before, by, for, from, in, into, near, of, on, over, to under, up, upon, with. Example: Picture is a desk. Write the work under at the bottom of the picture.

~ A couple will not work, so have them write this at the end. Use their object…EX: desk
I went to the desk.
I went to the desk for my teacher.
I came from the desk.
I went with my friend to the desk.

This lesson can extend into combining sentence and so on!

HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Materials: Digital Cameras