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Internet Security Basics

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Keywords: ethics, Internet, World Wide Web, Internet security, Internet safety, plagiarism
Subject(s): Business, Technology, Information Skills
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
View Full Text of Standards
School: North Greene High School, Greeneville, TN
Planned By: Gini Dochety
Original Author: Gini Dochety, Mosheim
1. The student will complete an Internet security basics tutorial and apply knowledge of the safety issues to his/her life.
2. The student will list in a concept map format at least ten behaviors that demonstrate an understanding of Internet security basics and ethics.
3. Students in a group setting will create a poster for display listing the high points of Internet security and ethics.
4. Given the school district's Internet Use form, students will list the consequences of misuse of the computers and Internet while at school.
5. Student will complete an Internet search of his/her own information at home with parental involvement and write a short response of what was found from this personal search.
6. Student will create a 15+ slide presentation utilizing PowerPoint software covering Internet security basics.

Set--Ask students to raise their hands if they believe that they are always security conscious when using the World Wide Web (Web)?

Instructional Procedures
After the discussion, distribute a one page pre-test covering the basics of Internet security and ethics. Give students five minutes to answer the questions.

Following the pre-test, ask students to individually complete the Information Security Basics tutorial from the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS) @ http://www.cerias.purdue.edu/education/k-12/teaching_resources/lessons_presentations/(Scroll down the page and Select INTERNET SECURITY BASICS then choose <Tutorial) a PDF file. Read and take notes on this information).

The tutorial has five parts and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. The five parts to the Information Security Basics tutorial are as follows:
1. Protect your password
2. Keep your files safe
3. Things to remember while you are working online
4. Use student-friendly search engines
5. Making sure that web sites are worthwhile

Following the tutorial, the students in preassigned groups/tables will complete an assignment individually but with the group's help, and the teacher will be walking around offering guidance.

The student will list in a concept map format at least ten behaviors that demonstrate an understanding of Internet security basics.

Closure of Lesson
Provide feedback--In the final 10-15 minutes of class, ask for a volunteer from each group to briefly summarize the information from his or her group's concept map to the class. Allow the students to add ideas to their concept maps as each group's volunteer presents the information. Teacher will observe the students' work during this review time to assess students' learning, and when the review is completed, the students will turn papers in to the teacher. The teacher will review and make appropriate comments on the work and return to the students for filing in their preassigned classroom folders.

If time permits, and most days the lessons go faster than planned, have students come up with mnemonic solutions using the Internet security basics! This is one of the questions for higher-order thinking, and this will challenge students in a creative way. A sample for students to glean from will be projected onto the classroom screen. As students develop them, write them down on posters and post in the classroom to encourage creativity.

Day 2
Set--Introduce a sheriff deputy who will give the statistics for Internet victimization in our area and follow with a discussion. Notes from the previous day's content will be on the white board for recall.

Instructional Procedures
Following the discussion, cue preassigned student to present the officer with a certificate of appreciation. Teacher will take a picture of speaker with the class to send to the local newspaper.

Then ask students to move to their preassigned groups/tables and distribute copies of the school district's Internet Use form and three content questions to each of the seven groups. Note: Each group will receive a different set of three content questions, but all students will answer the following question: What consequences will a student receive who does not follow the school's Internet Use rules?

Next have the students within each group brainstorm for the answers to each of their questions. Once time is up for the brainstorming process, each group will have an opportunity to give their responses to the class. After the class hears all the responses and any incorrect/incomplete answers have been revised, each group will write their questions and answers onto a large poster and decorate it for display. The posters will be displayed in the classroom as a daily reminder to be Internet safe and responsible!

Homework Assignment Question for Higher-Order Thinking: Write a 100-200 word paragraph on the values of employing a worker who follows company rules and does not access his personal email account(s) or social networking site(s) during work hours verses an employee who does. Rephrase in simpler terms if necessary: Youˇ¦re the boss and you have told your workers not to use personal email or other personal Internet sites during work hours. You find out that one employee is not obeying this rule. As the supervisor responsible for seeing that the workers work and not waste time on the job, what do you think will happen to the employee who did not obey the no personal email rule? Note: Five extra points for involving your parent(s) or another adult in this assignment by quoting his or her response as well as yours.

Closure of Lesson
While students are creating their posters, teacher will be walking around observing, guiding, and praising, and while observing, teacher will ask each group to briefly state new knowledge gained from this lesson.

Days Three-Six
Set--Ask the students how long do they think it would take a person to find out where a minor lives using just the Internet? Have each student come up with a guess and have each one write it down on a 3x5 card provided along with his or her name--collect cards to see which students correctly guess the time.

Instructional Procedures
Show the podcast entitled "Tracking Teresa" that illustrates how easy it is for a person to locate another person using relatively easy steps in ONLY twenty minutes. Podcast is located at http://www.netsmartz.org/stories/teresa.htm. Facilitate a class discussion covering the message from Tracking Teresa.

Explain the homework assignment below:

Class assignment due within the next five school days: At home, and if possibe with a parent or adult, "Google" your name and see what information is available, check each social networking site where you are a member and any other web locations that you have information and or pictures posted. Write a short paragraph and state if you plan to make any changes in the amount of personal information you give out on the Internet as a result of what you discovered from this research assignment. Note: Assignment is due in five days because some parents work odd shifts, and it may take the student up to five days to have a chance to work with a parent.

Note: For students that do not have web access at home, please write a short paragraph on one of the main reasons for caution when giving out personal information on the web.

Introduce the presentation assignment.
Pass out the outline and rubric to each student. Then go to http://www.onguardonline.gov/using the LCD projector and walk through the info provided by the FBI at this site with the students. Students may use the info from this site and others listed at the end of this lesson to create their presentations.

Presentations will be shown on the last day of the unit, and the presentations will be graded based on the rubric.

Closure of Lesson
With at least fifteen minutes left in the 3rd class period of this unit, remind students that this assignment will cover two class days, and that the presentations are due at the end of Day 5 and the presentations will be shown on Day 6.

Internet Security Basics Pre-Test--Each students takes the pre-test
True or False:
1._____ The Internet is the same as the World Wide Web (Web).
2._____ Citing sources is a requirement when you obtain information from the Web.
3._____ It is not important to check out the accuracy of every website that you get
information from for academic data.
4._____ It is important for students to learn about Internet security.
5._____ When creating a password, use common family terms, birthday, or address.
6._____ A good ideaˇXstore your back-up files on a different disk from original.
7._____ You should change your password often.
8._____ Google, Yahoo, and Bing are examples of search engines.
9._____ You should not open files or email from a person that you do not know.
10._____ A feature about email is that you can say anything in it without consequences.
11._____ A social network (Ex. Facebook), allows anyone with Internet to find your
personal info.
12._____ It would be good to evaluate every web site where you give personal information.
13._____ The study of ethics is just for people who work in banks and finance jobs.
14._____ The Internet is always a safe place to make purchases and to pay bills.
15._____ All parents do not care if their children are on the Internet without supervision.
16._____ Wikipedia is an academic resource for information.
17.____ A LOCK icon in the URL box tells you that the website is unsafe for purchases.
18._____ Being careful to what I post on my cell phone, computer, social networking
sites may protect me from problems with the law or from predators.

Internet Security Basics Concept Map--each student completes this exercise
Create a standard concept map with blank textboxes to allow students spaces to write facts into as the students review notes and the tutorial--great tool to keep students engaged and give accountability for the large amount of new knowledge.

Content Research for Internet Security Basics Unit--group work

1a Define Plagiarism
1b State one or more reasons for citing references when writing a paper/presentation
1c Give one or more consequences for a person who plagiarizes information
2a Define Internet Security
2b State one or more reasons for understanding and applying Internet security rules
2c Give one or more possible user consequences for not applying Internet security rules

3a Define Ethics
3b State one or more reasons for understanding Internet ethics
3c Give one or more possible consequences to a user that does not apply ethics to his/her Internet use.

4a Define Social Networking Sites
4b State one or more reasons for being cautious with personal information and data on a social networking site
4c Give one or more possible consequences to a user that is not cautious while using a social networking site.

5a Define Internet
5b Define World Wide Web
5c Compare and contrast the difference between these two terms

6a Define Search Engine
6b List all search engines that you can find.
Hint: http://www.thesearchenginelist.com/
6c List the different categories of search engines
Hint: http://www.redcarpetweb.com/basics9.html

7a Define Inappropriate social networking
7b State one or more reasons for not being inappropriate on the Internet social sites or with emails
7c Give one or more possible consequences for a user who is inappropriate on social sites or with emails.

Internet Security Basics Homework Assignment

Assigned on: _____________ Due on: ____________ Grade earned: _____________

Directions: Write at least 200 words on the value(s) of employing a worker who follows the company's rules and does not access his/her personal email account or social networking sites during work hours verses an employee who does.

Example: You're the boss and you have told your workers not to use personal email or other personal Internet sites during work hours. You find out that an employee is not obeying this rule. As the supervisor responsible for seeing that the workers work and not waste time on the job, what do you think will happen to the employee who did not obey the no personal email/Internet rule?

Note: Five extra points for involving your parent(s) or other adult in this assignment by quoting his or her response as well as your own thoughts.

Presentation Rubric and Web Sources for Research on Internet Security Basics
Outline of slides for presentation
Presentation must have the following topics covered (14 minimum slides):
1. Title slide
2. Protecting files and equipment
3. Personal security issues
(a) Protecting yourself
(b) Protecting your purchases
(c) Protecting your name
(d) Protecting personal identity
4. Ethical issues
(a) Cyber cheating=copying another's files as your own
(b) Cyber plagiarism--taking another's work as your own
(c) Cyber bullying
(d) Cyber stalking--Must include a real life example
(e) Cyber jokes and cruelty
5. Links to websites that teach on these topics
6. Summary statement
7. Works cited information

Websites to check out for information for your presentation!



This five day lesson could be adapted and shortened if time is an issue by eliminating the speaker and/or the presentation portion.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
History: Students could do a timeline of the Internet to observe the progress of technology in history and relate the progress to events in the last fifty years.
Questions for Higher-Order Thinking
Create a mnemonic to remember the safety steps learned today? Sample below:
S Safety is the # 1 issue when using the Internet
A Always use ACCOUNTABILITY--Have a parent/guardian check the websites that you have visited
F "Friends" met on the Internet may not be friendly people
E Erase stored passwords and cookies after each Internet session
T Time to clean up--your computer has cookies and temporary files and back-up your files
Y You are a valuable person--take Internet safety seriously

P Protect your password and your identity
L Leave webcams and microphones off except with parental supervision
E Ethics applies to all emails, social networking conversations and data, and
A Answer website questions cautiously
S Study hard and never fall into the temptation to cheat at school or at work
E Emails from unknown persons may contain a virus

Encourage students to continue to work on this optional mnemonic challenge at home with siblings, parents, or friends and bring to school for extra credit. For my students who are musically inclined, they may create a song that deals with this challenge.
Links: Government Website on Web Security
List of search engines
Tracking Teresa podcast
Purdue University Internet Security Basics Tutorial Link
Red Carpet
Materials: Speech and Language, Integrating Technology, Flash/USB Drives, Point and Shoot, Whiteboards
Other Items: 7 Posters for the seven groups, $1.00 each, total of $7.00
7 Markers or colored pencils for groups' poster project, $1.00 each, total of $7.00