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America's Generational Segments

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Keywords: Technology, digital, business, generation, research,
Subject(s): Information Skills, Business, Photography, Civics, Social Studies, Social Skills, Technology, Life Science, History, English/Language Arts
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Frenship High School, Wolfforth, TX
Planned By: Tracey Griffith
Original Author: Tracey Griffith, Wolfforth

There are five key generational groups living in America. Each group represents different patterns of likes, behaviors, trends and experiences. While everyone is unique, it is important for marketers to understand the generational similarities or characteristics of each group so they can effectively target pricing and advertising techniques towards each group’s consumer behaviors.

GI Generation
Baby Boomer
Generation X
Generation Y (Millenials)
Generation Z (Boomlets)

Assignment: Prepare a professional poster or an electronic version of a presentation on your selected generational group. Be sure to include the following:

- Birth year
- Number of people in this generational group
- General traits and personality characteristics
- Spending habits and trends
- Attitudes and lifestyle preferences
- Include as many pictures as possible of American citizens that belong to this category

-Your pictures and graphs should supplement your information. Please summarize the information in your own words and explain what is important for businesses to understand about this group.

I am requesting funds to purchase digital camera for students to use in class.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Social Studies, Technology, Art, Business
How to advertise to different generations
Materials: Digital Cameras, Point and Shoot, Digital SLR, Camera/Video Accessories
Other Items: 1 Digital Camera, $250.00 each, total of $250.00