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Unit: Introduction to Coding Lesson: Code

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Keywords: computer science, elementary, interactive word wall, coding, technology,
Subject(s): Speech and Language, Special Needs, Early Learning, Social Skills, Robotics, Business, Information Skills, Math, English/Language Arts
Grade K
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Moshannon Valley Elem School, Houtzdale, PA
Planned By: Melissa Elensky
Original Author: Melissa Elensky, Houtzdale
Elective: Technology Unit: Introduction to Coding Lesson: Code

• Define the word code (using sequence, command, and algorithm)
• Create a code to move student from their seat to the interactive word wall
• Code Daisy the Dinosaur in the app to perform a variety of activities
Standards (Elective-specific):
• CSTA 1A-AP-10 – Develop programs with sequence and simple loops, to express ideas of address a problem

• Introduction to coding PowerPoint, iPads (one for each group), Daisy the Dinosaur app, task cards, Lego figures, lego boards, maze maps, Legos, code blocks

• Students will enter the classroom and sit at assigned seats
• Students will continue working through the introduction to coding PowerPoint with the teacher
o Students will review the idea of sequence and command
o Students and teacher will discuss how putting those things together made the word from last week, algorithm
• Students will be introduced to the word of the week “code”
o The language programmers use to tell a computer what to do; an algorithm for what you want the computer/app/tech toy to do
• Teacher will show students Lego blocks, and ask the class what they are and what they do with them
• Teacher will tell students that each command in the sequence is called a “block” when coding, and when you connect blocks together, you are building a code.
• Students, as a class, will use printed blocks to move the class volunteer to the interactive word wall
o Teacher will connect the blocks together on the board to show the code that is formed
o Volunteer student will move towards the board as more items are added to the code
• Volunteer student will move the spinner to the tech toy of the week – Daisy the Dinosaur
• Teacher will show students how the app works using the projector
• Students will break into small groups and each small group will be given an iPad with the Daisy the Dinosaur app preloaded and open
o Students will be given a set of task cards to complete that have Daisy move in various ways (forward, spin, grow, shrink, etc.)
o Students will have to add and remove items from the code in order to complete each task
• When all groups have completed the task cards, or after about 15 minutes, students will return the cards and the iPads to the teacher and move back to their seats
• Teacher will discuss the next activity, moving a Lego figure through a maze by creating a code for it to follow
• Students will work with a partner, or in a small group, to create a code using printed blocks that is the correct algorithm for the maze they are given
o If time permits, students may complete more than one maze
• Teacher and students will do a gallery walk at the end of the class period where the teacher (or students) move the Lego figure through the maze as the code is written to see if it was put together correctly.

• Formative Assessment – Student as a class will create a code to move the volunteer student from their seat the interactive word wall
• Formative Assessment – Students will complete task cards using the Daisy the Dinosaur app to make the dinosaur move in a variety of ways
• Formative Assessment – Students will create a code that moves their figure from the Start position to the End position of a maze made out of Legos

This activity requires the use of iPads, legos, and a free app. These items can all be reused for other lessons in this unit as well as most other units in the school year.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
These devices would allow students in higher grade levels to act as "student experts" and teach their younger peers about STEM topics. Students in grades K-6 will have access to the materials and will be used with various other technology devices and lessons throughout the school year.
Kindergarten students will complete at least 3 more follow up lessons in the Introduction to Coding unit. In total, students will learn about the terms sequence, command, algorithm, code, bug, and debug. The requested materials could be incorporated into all activities as well as coding stations that will take place once students have be introduced to all concepts in the unit.
Materials: Integrating Technology, Prof. Dev. Workshops, Internet Services, Games, Early Learning, Computer Accessories, Mobile Labs, Hardware Devices
Other Items: 5 Lego Classic Base Plate (10x10), $5.69 each, total of $28.45
2 Lego Classic Medium Creative Pack, $27.99 each, total of $55.98
5 iPad 32gb, $249.00 each, total of $1245.00