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Lesson Plan Name Grades
Analyzing Text Using Technology 3 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This lesson plan allows teachers to incorporate technology into any selected piece of text. Students will use Google Forms to analyze selected text and use a document camera to present their analysis.
Biographical Blogging 6 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
SWBAT explore blogging and compare and contrast this genre to other on-line and in-print genres. SWBAT create and update their own blogs.
Cultural Differences found in St. Patrick's Day 2 to 2
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This lesson teaches the students about St. Patrick's Day and how it is celebrated around the world. It is a cross-curricular lesson for both Social Studies and ELAR.
Explore and Collaborate: Career Choices & Resume 6 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Explore and Collaborate Lesson Plans - Google Docs: Career Choices & Resume A lesson that teaches students about career choices and how to build their own resume.
The Butterfly Effect P-K to P-K
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
After studying the rise of Hitler and the Nazi regime, students are asked to think about the "butterfly effect" regarding negative events that happened in various countries because Hitler was the Fuhrer. This project begins with research, includes history, contains digital tools, incorporates fiction, and ends with a classroom presentation.
21st Century Research: Kindergarten through 8th Grade K to 8
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
This unit plan is a scope and sequence for teaching research for students in grades K-8 and is based on the NETS-S. The unit is interdisciplinary -- could be used for math, science, language arts, social students, music, art (in whatever subject students do research) and uses technology throughout to build 21st century skills -- here is the link: http://sites.google.com/site/hazysummertech/
Ad Logic #BestBuds 5 to 7
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
The learner will be able to recognize the importance of emotional appeal and how it relates to the advertising industry and the social networking world.
Analyzing and Synthesizing Propaganda Techniques in Film 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will analyze the non-verbal techniques used in films that attempt to manipulate audiences through political or commercial propaganda. In teams, students will then create their own videos demonstrating a synthesis of these techniques.
Antony vs. Brutus 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
In groups of four, students will create an advertising campaign based on their given character/speech of Antony or Brutus from Shakespeare's Caesar. Students will use the project as means of debate focusing on the which character should have control of Rome after the death of their former leader, Caesar.
AP Biology & Inquiry-Based Labs 11 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Instead of carrying around an encyclopedic textbook, students will have their text downloaded onto an iPad where they can highlight, bookmark, and find definitions instantly without ruining the book next year. Students will also be using their iPad for creating, reviewing, and sharing their own labs.
Biome Survivor 5 to 7
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will learn how to survive in one of the world's Biomes. Students will collaborate on their experiences as they take on a job that will help educate them about their ecosystem.
Cellcraft Game 6 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students learn the cell organelles' location, structure, and functions by playing Cellcraft game while taking Cornell notes on the cell structures as they "discover" them, in the game.
Cochlear Implants-Flip camera 6 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will create a movie explaining if they support or oppose on Cochlear Implants.
Connecting Across the Atlantic 6 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
If the cameras are won 5 will be donated to our sister school in Ghana. Students in each school will then create daily life and educational videos to share across the ocean to encourage global awareness and citizenship.
Cyberbullying 4 to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Teach students how to prevent cyberbullying
Earth Science Group Project 5 to 6
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students work in small groups to research and create a presentation on one of three Earth Science topics.
Essay Writing 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will write a variety of essays using Google Docs and Edmodo.com. Students will learn to collaborate and to constructively use social networks.
Falling in Love with Close Reading 6 to 8
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will learn how the academic exercise of close reading is applicable to their real lives. They will apply classroom skills to their real lives and become lifelong close readers of the people and things around them.
Farewell to Manzanar Introduction Activity; Racism and Point of View 8 to 11
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
In this multi-day lesson students will be introduced to the racism and predjudice that Japanese Americans faced after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and that Middle Eastern Americans faced after 9/11. By showing the parralel between the two events, one in a history book, one they remember, it will provide a framework for them to understand better the point of view of Jeanne, the narrator of Farewell To Manzanar.
Google Calendar 6 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Staying organized has become easier with the use of technology. With Google Calendar, the user can set up an event with one device (laptop, smartphone, tablet), and be able to view it or modify it with another.
How to NOT End Up In *Digital Jail* 4 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
In this lesson, students will learn what it means to be a responsible digital citizen by seeing how their digital choices could land them in "Digital Jail".
Inference and Theme Technology Lesson Plan 4 to 4
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will incorporate technology to practice inference and theme skills in a reading workshop model. Students will begin their guided reading project using Tinkercad to create and design 3-D objects using Chromebooks.
Literature Circles Meeting using Subtext 7 to 10
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
In this lesson, students facilitate a literature circle meeting using notes and annotations they've created within e-books using the Subtext app. They then use the ideas generated to write analytical paragraphs in Google Docs for teacher feedback.
Machiavelli's THE PRINCE 11 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Using a teaching strategy called "a-book-in-an-hour" the students, working in groups of 3 to 4, and using the copies (usually 1 to 2 pages in length) of each chapter, would summarize their chapter. Each group would get 3 chapters, with each student assigned to a chapter (approx. class size of 27). About 3 days.
Modern Caesar Adaptation 12 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
After studying Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, students will create a modern adaptation by composing a script and creating a video of the dramatization.
Monsters Inked P-K to 6
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Middle school and elementary classes collaborate to write and illustrate monster stories, taking inspiration from the younger students' original monster drawings.
Newton's Laws for One and All! 8 to 10
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
In this unit, students will create a digital portfolio of their learning. Students will collaborate on portions of this unit, while other parts are individual. This unit focuses on learning, applying, and working with Newton’s Laws of Motion. It is a layered curriculum unit which has students progressively building in their understanding and use of the laws.
Poetry Slam For a Cause! K to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Problem Based Learning, Driving Question: How can we as poets and poet critics, create and design a Poetry Slam to make other students and parents more aware of (a topic or cause of student choice/interest.) Students will research a few local problems or topics of interest and decide on one of interest to their group. Then, they will find poems and write poems to bring to life for a Poetry Slam and the slam will be recorded in imovie!
President research 3 to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will use technology to research, write, and publish work on a current or past presdient. This will be the research project after a 2 week reading unit on So You Want to be President.
Restoring Memories and Planning Autobiography 4 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This plan utilizes Google Maps for autobiography writing in response to the mentor text Knots in my Yo-Yo String” by Jerry Spinelli.
Rotational Math 6 to 6
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Unit will be on how to use positive rational numbers. I will cover Lesson 1-1 Fluently Add, Subtract, and Multiply Decimals. The same rotational model will be used for all math topics.
Structures and Functions of plants and animals 4 to 4
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This lesson is part of a unit to meet grade 4 Life Science Standards, Structures and Processes. In this lesson, students will conduct research on various animals and or plants to determine what external structures support survival and growth. In addition, students will use technology to publish their findings to a blog and have the ability to comment and respond to other classmate’s blogs, learning from each other’s experiences.
Students Are the Best Teachers 4 to 12
Students will take an active role in the teaching and learning process by creating digital presentations that review basic concepts that are the foundations for all courses. These may include focused mini lessons on such areas as vocabulary, grammar, figures of speech, math problems and concepts, historical events, scientific elements, or technology operations.
Synthesis Essay 11 to 12
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will gather information about their topic using reliable websites to justify their position for the paper.
Technology Rich Romeo and Juliet Lesson Plan 9 to 10
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
The students will understand Romeo and Juliet and as a result will produce and present a Storyboard that demonstrates a scene’s importance.
The Waning Moon 4 to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will create a short claymation video to explain the phases of the moon and what we can learn from them.
Using Rhetoric in Speeches 8 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will analyze "I have a Dream," "Old Major's Speech," and "Imagine" for the three rhetorical devices (ethos, logos, and pathos). They will then create podcasts in which they give their own speech for the world using the three rhetorical devices
Where and When Was That? 6 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will utilize Google Applications to apply what they have learned about the civilizations of Egypt, China, India, Greece, and Rome. Students will gain more knowledge on the geography of these areas in Ancient Times.
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