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"Grat [Thanks] itude" -----> Thanks-N-Gratitude ----> Thanks and Gratitude... :-)

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Keywords: Thanksgiving, Holiday, Season, Technology, New Idea
Subject(s): Art, Photography, Civics, Social Studies, Video, Social Skills, Spelling, Technology, Grammar, Writing, Drama, History, Music, Reading, Math, English/Language Arts
Grades 4 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Grace A Dunn Middle School, Trenton, NJ
Original Author: HUSSAIN HAQQ, Trenton
SWBAT: Develop a presentation of reasons they are thankful and present it to the class using one form of multimedia technology.

During week one:
Day one: Teacher will read aloud “The Thanksgiving Door” by DEBBY ATWELL. Teacher and students will discuss ways in which gratitude was shown in the story. Students will then think of reason/things they are thankful for and list them.

Day Two: Students will be asked to think of 5 things for which they are thankful for. For each item listed students will type at least 3 paragraphs “why” that item was listed. Students will choose one “thankful” idea which has a “live” person as their reason to conduct an interview with that person.

Day Two thru Four: Students will work on typing their 3 paragraphs for their choice of whom they are “thankful” to. Students will also generate 5 fun filled questions to ask their person of choice, i.e.: 1) what was a fun thing you did in school? 2) Did you like going to the doctor’s office or dentist? 3) Did you ever have to run from a dog? 4) Did you ever start or participate in a school food fight?

During this time, parents would have received a letter explaining their involvement in this activity, and they should have answered the questionnaire for their child. Parents should also allow their child to choose an outfit from the parents’ closet, as the child (student) will need it for their presentation.

Day Five thru Seven: Students will share their 3 paragraphs and answers with the class dressed in costume as their person for whom they are “thankful” for. Students can use Power Point to deliver their presentation. If they need assistance, for homework they can familiarize themselves by viewing free training videos from GCF Learn Free.org.

Teacher will record the progress by taking photos, and recording video of the progressions. Final presentation will be recorded as each student makes their presentation. Teacher will save the students presentation on a 2GB memory stick, which the student will keep to share with the parents.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This lesson plan can be expanded on with any core content area: start the students off by finding out what they already know about the subject matter; have them choose something interesting about that subject for them to research and report out to; and be open to allowing them to choose how they can present their work.
Ask students if their parents have watched their performance and what they (the parents) thought of it. ask the students if it was or wasn't sucessful to them? If it was, why? and if it was not, how could they have improved it.
Links: Link to GCF Learn Free
Materials: Video Cameras, Flip Video, Digital Cameras, Projectors, Portable, Projector Screens, Electronics, Printers, Flash/USB Drives, Tripods, Batteries, Memory Cards, CDs and DVDs, Word Processor, Integrating Technology