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Apple iPad Needed to Engage Students and Enhance Learning in the Classroom

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Keywords: Collaboration, Engaging, Motivation,
Subject(s): Information Skills, Art, Photography, Social Studies, Video, Social Skills, Spelling, Geography, Grammar, Podcasting, Geometry, Science, Life Science, Writing, History, Earth Science, Speech and Language, Reading, Math, English/Language Arts
Grade 4
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Lyndon Town School, Lyndonville, VT
Planned By: Jennifer Mayo
Original Author: Jennifer Mayo, Lyndonville
This lesson puts the Apple iPad at the center of every lesson. Attached to my laptop, I have an air server which can be connected to the Apple iPad. When students are working, I want to be able to walk around and take pictures of their work, after they are finished working, I can recall their work using this iPad and display that work on my smart board. This allows all students to see and listen to the student's work that is on the smart board. This saves time by not having students come up to the board and do the problem out again for their classmates and relieves some anxiety since I can either talk about their work or they can. It also builds confidence in their learning ability and helps with public speaking. Another way I would use the iPad is to take imovies of students working or having a book discussion. This clip would be great to show parents, show the class what went well with their discussion and engage students throughout the day. I know in the past when I have tried this lesson and learning with students, they were always very excited to be selected to talk about their work and it motivated them to work hard to be picked to talk.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
The use of iPads and smartboards can combine a lot of energy into the classroom and motivate students in all content areas to create something that others enjoy.
This Apple iPad will be used throughout the day in all content areas to "liven" up learning with technology.
Links: Digital Wish
Materials: Video Tools
Other Items: 1 Apple iPad Air for your Classroom! - 64GB, $699.99 each, total of $699.99