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Career Creation

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Keywords: career choices, build your own adventure, technology, Google Forms, special needs, bilingual, grammar, social skills, creativity, research, critical thinking
Subject(s): Calculus, Information Skills, Biology, Art, Business, Algebra, Photography, Robotics, Civics, Social Studies, Health and PE, Video, Animation, Social Skills, Home Economics, Spelling, Technology, Autism, Geography, Early Learning, Service Learning, Chemistry, Grammar, Dyslexia, Podcasting, Geometry, Science, Journalism, Life Science, Special Needs, Writing, Drama, History, Music, Earth Science, Speech and Language, Foreign Language, Reading, Physics, Trigonometry, Math, English/Language Arts
Grades 5 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Pete Mirich Elementary School, La Salle, CO
Planned By: Gerard Torres
Original Author: Gerard Torres, La Salle
Students will create a Google Form that will either successfully or unsuccessfully chart a path towards gaining "employment" in their desired career field based on several factors. Those factors will include, but are not limited to: educational needs, salary considerations, geographic restraints, personal goals, and career opportunities. Students will initially investigate careers of interest based on their own goals and dreams they wish to achieve post education. The research must show if a degree is needed and if so, what level. Included in this research must also be the salary considerations for this type of work. Students need to pay particular attention to geographic constraints i.e. if a student want to live in Colorado they probably cannot be a marine biologist working with killer whales! Lastly, students will need to determine what key affective needs motivated them to look into this career of choice. Do environmental concerns, social aspirations, creating sustainable living, as examples, play a key role in how and why they chose this field?

With every key aspect listed above, students will create a flow chart that reflects both actual and incorrect data. Students will create key questions for each of these fields and provide these answers - with only one answer being correct - in their Google Forms. As an example, the guiding question will be "How much money do you wish to make doing this type of work?" If the salary for the field is say $50K per annum but the response from the person taking the quiz is that he wishes to $75K, then it will be the end of the journey - FAIL! Each question will lead further down the trial based on this evidence. Pictures, videos, and links associated with the career field will be embedded into the forms. Extra credit will be given if interviews are conducted and included in the presentation. These interviews can be videos, question and answer forms, or any other creative inputs that the students are familiar with.

Each pathway that is created in this Destiny must lead into one of two paths - successful passage into that career field or an end to the journey. A student wishing to make $80K a year with no degree obviously will not become a teacher. Students will have the freedom to add as many additional fields as they wish. Does a specific school offer the post-secondary degree needed for the career? If so, what type of GPA and/or SAT/ACT score is needed to get into that college? What personal experience led them to this discovery? Short narratives at each Section of the Form need to be clear and concise and let us know, as readers, how we arrived at this point.

Based upon desired career fields, literally every aspect of education could be discussed. Am I considering becoming a Physicist based on my most recent science class? Do I want to give back to my community and develop sustainable living? Do I want to work with Special Needs citizens? Am I a special needs student and what career fields best suit my personal needs, goals, and abilities? How do I leverage my bilingual capabilities into a career field?
I put down needing 2 devices but ultimately if more devices were "awarded/funded" I would be able to get all of my students onto this assignment faster.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
It is my belief that this project hits numerous co-curricular platforms: ELA is stressed in reading,writing, and grammar; math is learned in determining salary and costs associated with education if needed; social studies is reflected in geography, historical context of the career, etc; etc.
Students will then learn presentation skills as they will be asked to present their findings to the class, the school, or to their parents as I am a firm believer in showcasing what they have done in class.
Materials: Flip Video, Point and Shoot, Digital Voice Recorders, Microphones, Video Tools, Microscopes, CDs and DVDs, Flash/USB Drives, Tripods, Keyboards, Headsets, Mice, Reading, Literacy, Writing, Elementary, ESL, Foreign Language, Spreadsheet, Inspiration, Screen Capture, Animation, Hardware Devices
Other Items: 2 Chromebooks, $202.99 each, total of $405.98
2 Portable cameras, $69.00 each, total of $138.00
2 digital voice recorders, $32.99 each, total of $65.98