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Lesson Plan Name Grades
School Motto/School Expectations 3 to 5
(5.0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students in GATE, grades 3-5, will teach and demonstrate the school rules and expectations to students in grade PreK-2. They will also, help model the expectations of our newly implemented school motto through the use of video and technology.
School-wide Anti-bullying Campaign 5 to 8
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Creating anti-bullying messages that influence my peers. Creating a climate for anti-bullying.
Science Equipment 5 to 12
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Introduce equipment used in a science lab with student produced video. Use student produced commercials and product reviews in lieu of teacher demonstrations.
Science Talk K to 12
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
A news crew in our classroom that will discuss important science topics.
Score it! 3 to 4
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students would work in small groups to create a movie score/soundscape for a 3-5-scene movie
Score it, Take 2! 3 to 12
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Create a score for a puppet opera based on a children’s story book; could be a whole class project or small group project
ScreenPlay Writing 9 to 12
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
This a two-week unit that includes screenplay writing and video editing
Season Ending Injury 11 to 12
(5.0 stars, 2 ratings)
The project is a collaboration project in which students in my Advanced Biology class look at the anatomy and physiology of the human skeletal, muscular, circulatory and nervous system through a sports injury. The students video a mock injury and report on it as hosts for a sports telelvision show.
See How They Grow 1 to 5
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Student growth can be documented through digital scrapbooking of his school year.
See it, Say it, Move, it, Do it! K to K
(5.0 stars, 2 ratings)
An interactive lesson featuring multiple learning styles to enhance all students' abilities to recognize the alphabet. *Lesson plan developed collaboratively with ESL teacher, Darcy Berger.
Seeing the World Through the eyes of a Veteran 7 to 8
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will be assigned a Veteran to interview, get a military photo of and take a recent picture of. They will write a short story about the person and present a Power Point using the photos, or a movie with Movie Maker. A few selected ones will be used for next year's Veterans Day Program.
Set Design 9 to 12
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will pick a play, read it, and create how the stage would appear if they were to direct this production.
Shapes in Art, Shapes in Body P-K to 1
(3.5 stars, 2 ratings)
Students learn how to distinguish shapes through dance and music.
Short Film Project: Architecture In My Community 11 to 12
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will create short videos featuring the unique architecture in Sacramento, CA. They will work in teams to write, film, and publish short films that will persuade people to visit buildings here in our own community.
Shot Composition Video 9 to 12
(5.0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will introduce and demonstrate 22 camera shots, movements, and angles using a digital camera. They will edit their video using iMovie and add music using Garageband. Final projects will be posted on their own webpages.
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