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From Place to Place

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Keywords: Transportation, Traveling
Subject(s): Technology, Special Needs, Information Skills, Social Studies
Grades 7 through 12
School: Professional Learning Institute, Milwaukee, WI
Planned By: Tanya
Original Author: Tanya , Milwaukee
Step 1 - Students will compile a list of places they usually travel, or need to travel to. Examples: grocery store, movie theater, mall, school, etc. It may be a good idea to see if there is a place of work to document how to get there as well.

Step 2 - Spend a few days traveling these routes and taking pictures of starting location (don't forget their house), bus stop signs, landmarks you'll see when getting close to your next stop, transfers, etc.

Step 3 - Put the pictures in order for each route in computer photo albums and label them for each destination. (Example: Home to school, Home to grocery store, Grocery Store to Home, etc.)

Step 4 - Add the albums to an IPod or other handheld picture technology.

Step 5 - Have the student show you how to travel one of the routes using their pictures. Be sure to have them describe what they are doing. For example, "This picture shows me a picture of a church - see there it is. Now I need to pull the stop wire so that I can get off at the next stop."
This is extremely useful in allowing students with disabilities to gain their independence. It also is a way for them to not stick out while on the city bus. If a person just uses a picture story board, it would be very obvious that they need assistance, but everyone uses Ipods and MP3 players on buses, so nobody would know the difference.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This fits into life skills, transitional skills, and social studies - incorporate bus maps.
Every field trip when we take the city bus we can photograph new routes to add to their libraries. In addition, we could create a bus route map with pictures of each bus stop.
Materials: Digital Cameras, MP3 Players, Camera/Video Accessories, Computer Accessories, Podcasting, Slideshow
Other Items: 500 Bus Tickets, $2.00 each, total of $1000.00