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Keywords: Writing, Painting, Journalism, Photograpy
Subject(s): Journalism, Science, English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Photography, Writing, Art, Chemistry, History
Grades 4 through 8
School: East North Street Academy, Greenville, SC
Planned By: Lauren Ridley
Original Author: Lauren Ridley, Greenville
Day One: Guest photographer will speak to students. He or she will focus on simple photography techniques as well as the science behind a camera. Lots of visuals will be available for the students to engage with the instructor.

Day Two: Teacher will introduce students to photojournalism as a career. Students will practice taking photographs around the school using the techniques the guest photographer taught. Photographs will be downloaded in the computer lab and reviewed for strengths and weaknesses. Students will focus on photographs that tell a story. Homework: Students will sign out cameras for two nights to take photographs of the beauty that surrounds them and their lives. They can focus on people, objects, places, nature.

Day Three: Students will watch one of DeWitt Jones' (National Geographic photographer) inspirational videos and look through their own photos for the most beautiful or most interesting. Students will share their best image with the class and explain what they did that makes it a strong photograph. (Answers will vary but should include reference to lighting, composition, exposure, value, detail, focus)

Day Four: Students will use their photograph as inspiration for a painting. Teacher will discuss with students that one of the purposes of art is to tell a story. Teacher will show students artwork from the following artists: Norman Rockwell, Jacob Lawrence and Johnathan Green. Teacher will discuss with students the various stories that the artists told through their work. Students will begin a painting based on one of their photographs that they didn't choose as their best.

Day Five: Students will continue painting. Teacher will help students to focus on painting all the basic forms and begin to add details in the last few minutes of class.

Day Six: Students will finish painting. Teacher will help students strengthen the values and details in their painting.

Day Seven: Students will mount their photograph and painting for a show. Each student will take a minute or two to introduce their artwork to the class.

Extensions of Lesson:
Science: Students will make a pinhole camera and study the effects of light on film.
ELA: Students will read biographical and nonfiction articles from newspapers and magazines. Students will write an essay describing their photograph.
Social Studies: Students will research the history of their town/city. Teacher will direct students to focus on historical photographs and newspaper and magazine articles.
This is a great project to solicit help from the community. Local stores may be willing to donate disposable cameras and developing costs instead of using digital cameras. Ask local businesses to hang the students' work when the project is completed.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Science: Students will make a pinhole camera and study the effects of light on film.
ELA: Students will read biographical and nonfiction articles from newspapers and magazines. Students will write an essay describing their photograph.
Social Studies: Students will research the history of their town/city. Teacher will direct students to focus on historical photographs and newspaper and magazine articles.
Visit the Art Museum for a photography show. Have students bring in excellent photographs from local publications. Ask them to critique the photo using some of the vocabulary connected with photography.
Materials: Batteries, Camera Bags, CDs and DVDs, Art Tools, Digital Cameras, Mobile Labs, Memory Cards, Cables