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Hunting for QR Codes

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1. Make a QR code using free app (Kaywa.com) and generate a QR code for each review question.
2. Using a map of the school, place QR codes around the school. Include with the posting the location students need to go to to find the answer to the question as well as find the next question.
3. Make a recording sheet for student use.
4. Make groups or partners of students. Assign the starting question number to each group.
5. Students walk around the school and solve the problems.
6. Return to class when finished.
I use the available cell phones, tablets, iPads, iTouches from my students, myself, and my friends.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Can be used with any subject at any grade
Students write own questions, make a QR code for it, then have students answer the questions.
Materials: Integrating Technology
Other Items: 1 Computer with word processing
1 QR Code generator--Kaywa or any other of choice, $free each
1 QR Code reader--ignima or any other of choice, $free each